No Shit, Sherlock

Start from the beginning

"Thank God, I was starting to get bored."

The two of us eat in silence, but Enola speaks up again.

"I'm meeting with Tewkesbury tonight."

I set my cup of tea down and smirk, "Really?"

"Don't give me that look."

"I'm not giving you a look," I say.

She shakes her head, "Yes you are, and I don't like it."

I shrug my shoulders and she sighs.

"Anyways, I'm meeting with Tewkesbury but I need you to meet me at the factory at seven tonight."

I check the time, it's almost two now.

"Alright, is there anything I should bring?"

"A weapon."

I point to my boot where my dagger is hidden, "I never leave without one."

We pay for our food and leave the cafe, the two of us link arms, and walk down the street.

"Perhaps, we should get new corsets?"

I raise my eyebrows, "Corsets?"

"I just have a feeling we'll need them."


I adjust the dagger tucked into the front of my corset, and then the ones tucked into my boots. You can never have too many daggers.

Enola and I had went our seperate ways after we bought our new corsets, that she insisted on getting. It's seven now, I'm at the factory, but she hasn't made it here yet.

I look around anxiously before seeing two people making their way over to me. I instantly recognize Enola, but it takes me a minute to remember who the person behind her is.

The two of them meet me and I smirk at Enola, to which she replied, "Don't say anything."

She turns to Tewkesbury, "Stay here, and keep watch. If anyone comes, just tell them you're a Lord."

"But I am a Lord."

She nods, "Good, then they'll likely believe you."

We leave Tewkesbury and slowly sneak into the factory. Enola walks ahead of me while I look around cautiously.

Suddenly, someone grabs me by the neck and starts to drag me away. I kick their knee and they let out a pained groan, and loosen their grip on me, allowing me to break free.

The person walks through the moon light and it's then that I  recognize the person.


He pushes me against the wall and grabs my neck but tilts his head, "(Y/n)?"

I cough, "Yeah. No shit, Sherlock."

He lets go of me and I rub my neck in annoyance, "That fucking hurt by the way."

"I'm terribly sorry, I didn't know-"

"Relax, I'm fine.... and it was kinda fun."

He scoffs and I look behind him to see Enola standing there with a lantern.

"Am I interrupting something?"

Sherlock dusts his jacket off, "What are you two doing here?"

"What are you doing here?" Enola questions back.

"I asked first."

"I don't care. Are you working on your case or ours?"

We both stare at him and he sighs, "Both. I found out how Grail got your fingerprints. Oxidized phosphorus dust lifted from the table and applied to the knife."

We continue staring at him and he quickly looks away. "You're innocent."

Enola scoffs, "You doubted it?"

"Nothing's certain until it's proved."

"And your case?" I ask.

"My adversary, his trail, it leads here."

"It seems our cases are connected, brother," says Enola.

He nods and gestures towards the office, "Shall we?"

Enola walks ahead of us and I notice Sherlock is limping a bit.

"Are you hurt?" I ask.


I smirk, "Good."

Author's note: Sorry it took so long for a new chapter! I got super busy, and Wattpad has been AWFUL. Every time I start writing it freezes and kicks me off the app, which usually ends up deleting all of my work. Even now as I type this it's glitching, and trying to kick me. But happy new year! And thank you so much for being patient and supportive! ♡

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