Legion of Doom + Justice League

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《No One's Pov》

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《No One's Pov》

It happened in a mere blink, the justice league, broke through and stared at the Villains. Superman was first to catch sign of his soulmate, in an instant, Superman flew straight into the yellow Barrier breaking it from the impact of his body, however, what he didn't expect was for his soulmate reflexes to kick and grab him by the throat.

Y/n then took notice of who she was holding by the throat, she let go and carried Superman bridle style, "Sorry...about that." Y/n uttered, Clark baffled at being held in such a manner. Wonderwoman was behind him, letting out a chuckle, Batman as blank as ever. "Now that's quite a soulmate," Hal muttered out loud.

Before Y/n could respond Superman was out of her arms and heading straight for Lex Luthor, "This was your idea wasn't it?" Clark growled out, looking down at Lex. Lex let out a huff of air glaring at the man of steel, "My idea? That's a new one for sure...You actually think I would put my soulmate in harm's way...?" Lex asked superman staring at him like, 'yeah, you would,'

Joker skipped over to batman giving a wave, "Batsy! BATSYY!! We share a soulmateee!~ Isn't that wonderful BATS----" Joker was punched in the face by Batman. "Hey! Be careful with Puddin!" Harley grumbled out crossing her shoulders while watching Batman kick the shit out of the Joker. "Talk about Toxic..." Corinthian murmured

 Harley grumbled and stalked up to batman, but before should do anything Wonderwoman wrapped her golden Lasso around her. "Hey! That was totally not fair! Soulmate saveee meee!" Harley cried out, struggling against the binds of the lasso. Y/n didn't do anything but looked at batman, somehow she felt uncomfortable when batman started hitting the joker. Once the batman stopped, Y/n felt relieved somehow.

Vandal Savage stared at Superman who slowly turned towards him, "Vandal." Superman uttered. Y/n was rather confused, everyone started to fight each other, Superman took on Vandal, Batman then went to take on the scarecrow, Ivy was helping Harley get free from Wonderwoman, and shortly Cheetah arrived to help Ivy, Sinestro obviously went up against Green Lantern.

The flash and Reverse flash. Meanwhile Corinthian tilted his glasses watching the entire thing, he felt a familiar presence entering the scene, and after some while, "You're a little late." Corinthian boldly stated turning around to face Morpheus, who just blankly stared at him, "But...I am here." He uttered, giving a wave to Y/n, who just returned it, wondering why the guy from her dreams was there.

Corinthian stared with jealousy emitting from his core as he glared at Sandman. Shazam stared at Black Adam, "Oh come on..." Billy murmured, he honestly was expecting to battle but not Black adam, somehow the old 'champion' always found a way to make him struggle in battle, not to mention his snarky remarks about him actually being a kid. Plus Billy didn't really expect the justice league to go all...scary--looking if that made sense.

"What...in the world?" Y/n had no idea why everyone was even fighting, was it for her sake? "Uh, hey guys?" Y/n spoke in English, and no one really listened to her. Rachel suddenly created a portal in the scene as she and Damian, also Genos stepped out heading towards Y/n to get her away from the ruckus.

However what Rachel didn't expect was for a portal, not of her own to appear under her feet. "Uhm?" Y/n pointed towards the spot Rachel once was, Genos was quick to analyze and speak, "Its the teleporter." Genos had a hard time focusing since the ground itself was shaking from the battle going on around them.

Damian squinted his eyes, slamming Y/n out of the way, from a portal under her feet, Genos however wasn't as lucky as the portal was under his feet. Damian got up and looked at Genos his entire lower body was in the portal but he was holding onto the sides of the ground with his hands. 

Damian just stared, he honestly wasn't going to help Genos---Y/n casually walked over to Genos, going to help him up, but the suction on the Portal was harsh and Genos was struggling to hold onto Y/n's hand, and Y/n honestly didn't want to rip Genos in half, so she had to let go, but obviously being the good sensei she was, she dived into the portal after him, leaving this universe and back to her own.

"Shit!" Damian ushered wanting to follow after but the portal itself closed, he started looking around panicking, "Raven?!" Damian called out using Rachel's hero name, "Here---sorry it took me a while, I was teleported in the middle of the ocean-" Rachel stopped her slight rambling, "Where is our soulmate? And her little friend...?" She slowly asked, looking at the spots on the ground, the portal seemed to have left a strange gooey substance behind.

Rachel, tried to compose herself, not wanting her emotion to get the better of her, but she felt like she would throw up, or worse, start screaming her lunges out, which would cause her powers to rift up. "We need to---get everyone to stop fighting, and--and--" Rachel didn't know why she felt this way, she felt like she was going to go insane, her soulmate was away from her back into a dimension that she couldn't even reach with her interdimensional travel, however, she knew she didn't have to worry about her soulmates safety since her soulmate was indeed really strong, but being so far away from her soulmate---

"Raven?" Damian slowly asked, pulling her body close, "Calm down, your eyes." Damian soothingly spoke, knowing the chaos of battle didn't help the situation either.

Batman was the next one to take notice of his soulmate's disappearance after dealing with the scarecrow. "Justice league! Fall back! FALL BACK!" Batman raised his voice while using his justice league device speaker, he stopped tapping on his ear where his device was located. The justice league started falling back one by one, after getting their enemies off him.

The legion of doom also started falling aligned with each other, the ones who were soulmates with Y/n, looked around oddly, wondering where she went so they just ended up blaming the justice league for taking her, "You stupid bats, learn to share!" Harley growled out her hands tightly holding onto her comically large hammer, "Yes...learn to share dream boy." Corinthian grumbled to Morpheus, he just assumed Morpheus was with the justice league and helped with the plan to take their soulmate. The Legion of doom then started insulting the Justice league while some argued amongst themselves, like Lex, saying it obviously wasn't the justice league.

"UGH, Get off of me, can't you see everyone is not fighting anymore!" Shazam whined out, kicking Black Adam away from him, his abdomen sore from the punch by the villain. "What..?" Shazam asked the Justice league who was looking at him strangely. Shazam then flew over to the justice league.

"This was a part of the plan? Our soulmate is safe?" Clark whispered to Batman, "I have no idea where she is--Raven?" Bruce asked Rachel who was supposed to bring their soulmate to safety but something else occurred, Rachel went over to the justice league to fill them in.

"Shush!" Harley uttered to the villains, "Let me handle this, I'm really good at lip reading!" Harley uttered watching the heroes closely.


Y/n looked around some more, however, the feeling of loneliness had somehow returned, before she had met the people she had called her soulmates, 

she would honestly feel very little emotions, such as excitement, happiness, sadness, and pity. It was weird, she felt sad, but when she was around those people called her soulmates---it just felt nice to be around them, to feel so many things, as if she was normal before she got her overwhelming powers.

 she slowly turned to Genos. 

"Hey, do you have any clue on how to get back, to that dimension?" Y/n asked with a tilt of her head.

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