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《No ones Pov》

The voices around Y/n soon started to drown out as she looked at the firey princesses who were gushing and flying over her after the titans failed in capturing Harley in the Joker as they got away.

"Them legs...." Garfield muttered staring at Y/n's muscley legs turning into a cat while brushing himself against them. Y/n's head turned towards Cyborg, "You...remind me of someone...." Y/n told her soulmate, Victor feeling a little bit of jealous because his soulmate was mentioning well hinting at someone else while speaking to him.

"Good thoughts I hope..." Victor joked, scanning Y/n's face for any identity but came up null. Bruce suddenly barged up, taking Y/n by the hand as she slightly wobbled, not used to the feeling of drunkness, and rather sleepy.

"I hate to break up this...meaningful encounter, but our lovely----" Bruce looked around at the prying eyes of the crowd, he couldn't just outright say Y/n was these hero's soulmates, or that would put a lot of villains targeting his darling Y/n. " home..." Bruce finished, resting his hand on Y/n's back noticing her wobbly state.

《Time skip》

Y/n woke up dead in the middle of the night, her eyes glazing over at the large window, getting up quickly and stripping herself of the dress, not feeling that comfortable one bit until she was in her underwear in bra, she went towards the large balcony glass window opening it to let the fresh breeze in.

She was flopping back into the comfortable bed. Y/n closed her eyes, her ears focusing on the sound in the room. Ruffling footsteps which were very Who was watching her sleep? She could hear the heavy breaths that rumbled out of the person's mouth.

In an instant, as she felt them and neck on her breath, she lifted her legs up, wrapping them around him, grabbing his shoulders and flipping him onto his back, The person was being held down onto the soft bed by Y/n, sitting on him.

Y/n opened her eyes finally looking at the man, he was wearing an orange and black costume, which looked pretty cool. Y/n tugged the string on the back of his mask. "....Are you a ninja, ahh...that's so cool...??" Y/n blandly asked tilting her head, while lifting the man's mask up. He had dark black hair with a streak of white in it, his stubbed beard was also slightly black with hints of grey.

He had a strong jawline and nice features. "Doll you said my words exactly." Purred the man, Y/n's butt cheek started burning, as small words started to form there, without anyone knowing.

Y/n didn't know what the guy meant by that, but she wasn't expecting him to try and struggled out of her leg locking grasp.

"Damn---Aggh--" Slade grumbled not expecting to be stuck, how the hell was his soulmate overpowering him?? Poking the man's chest Y/n asked, "Are you here to send me to another dimension because I won't be surprised..." Y/n spoke confusing Slade even more. Yawning Y/n places her head on Slade's chest.

"Alright, well mmm... going to sleep." Y/n let out another yawn as she slightly slurred on her words from being sleepy.

Sade waited....and waited....until his soulmate fell asleep.

《Time skip》

Finally, after waiting he heard his soulmate snore, so he decided to try and push----"What---the fuck...." He mutters still not able to get out of his soulmate's rippling leg was she even sleeping so comfortably? Not only was the position uncomfortable, but he was also decked out in strong steel-like armor ---?

Gruffly letting out a sigh, he gave, up, staring at his soulmate's sleeping face, he would just have to wait until she got up huh? Letting out another sigh this one more calmer and seemingly accepting the situation, he closed his eyes.

《Mean While》

"Those bastards!" Joker raged out, swiping his arm along the table, spilling the full glasses of alcohol on the floor, not minding that Harley wanted to drown herself in it.

the other members of the Legion of doom were silent letting the fellow villains weep about letting the heroes get their soulmate.

"It's...alright Harls...." Ivy spoke patting her drunk friend on the back, while dragging her away from the joker, knowing damn well that the two would begin blaming each other. "S--Shee was--- soo hot---you---don't understannddd-!" Cried Harley, her words not coming out how she really wanted them to.

Reverse flash rolled his eyes, turning towards Lex. "Have you already begun transporting the monsters?" He hummed out, with an evil glint in his eyes. To be rather honest, he was looking forward to this, then he could maybe do a sneak attack on...well little Barry Allen aka the flash.

"Yes...Anyways anyone please, clean up this mess, and get the clowns in shape...Vandal Savage is bound to be here any minute---" Lex was cut off by someone speaking.

"What mess? And what got the members in such a foul mood? Is it perhaps your lack of leadership?" Vandal's voice rang out, tilting his head with a smirk, Lex nearly joking about his words before giving a fake smile.

"Of course not, soulmate business." At Lex's words, Vandal's face turned sour his mood instantly darkened, causing all the members to slightly shutter back

"Soulmates? Pathetic...Do you how old I am??? And I have yet to meet mine? Is soulmates really something to worry over, to fret over?? To--To---" Vandal sharply moved towards Lex, his face filled with rage while slamming his fist onto the large table, instantly breaking it.

"Maybe life is just cruel..." Vandal left his words off there, his eyes gleaming with madness as he left the members, some frightened others bored at his tantrum but said nothing knowing they couldn't take him alone.

"Isn't he just chipper, I thought said he was going to be in a good mood, instead we are the ones who have to deal with his shit..." Cheetah hissed out scraping her long claws against the already broken table.

Reverse flash  scrunched his face under his mask, "Awkward..." There was silence amongst the villains, as they began to part out of the room, deciding to have a meeting another time, when, Vandal was in a brighter mood and decided to join and speak on current matters.

But this time, at least everyone knew not to bring up the topic of soulmates around him.

Or maybe....that will change...hmm?

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