They pushed through the crowd and saw the poster. "Next Hogsmeade Village trip on the 14th of February." Read George and put an arm around his Slytherin friend. He looked at her, smirking "You gonna spend time with the one and only Mr Hufflepuff, aren't you?"

She felt someone push George's arm from her shoulders. She looked behind her to see Cedric. He smiled at her and ruffled her hair. "You lot going?" He asked his friends. They nodded in response.

That's how they found out about it. Ever since then, students were all giggling and talking about inviting their crushes to spend time with them.

Snow and ice were no longer present, so Cedric didn't have to puppet Y/N around. He still took her hand is his (Y/N of course blushed at his action).

They decided they only wanted to visit Honeydukes and head to Three Broomsticks to have some buterbeer

Entering the pub after almost emptying their pockets of money, they barely seemed to find an available table. All tables were occupied by Hogwarts students.

"Give me your bag." Y/N said, stretching out her hand so the boy can give her his shopping bag. He just shook his head stubbornly and went to order two butterbeer.

The girl just outstreched awkwardly her lips in response and sat down at the only free table she found, plasing her shopping bags opposite her.

The Hufflepuff came back, two butterbeers in hand, and sat down. The girl thanked him and reached to grab one of the drinks, when he backed his hand out.

Taking her eyes off the drink, she realised that her face was very close to his; so close that their noses were touching. She blushed and got back to her original position. He laughed in response. 'Cute' he thought and placed her beer in front of her. He thought abou how he should tease her more as he drank his drink. Just then, the twins' so-called advice came to mind.

- 1 week before -

"So what about placing your hands around her waist? Girls LOVE that." George raised an eyebrow, looking at his Hufflepuff friend.

"Yea, mate." Fred patted his brother on the back. "Phisical contact. Also, when things get a little "spicy" get close to her - like, lean into her."

All Cedric did was nod, taking mental notes. He made sure he took everything in to put into practice.

"But also be a gentleman - so just.. YOU." George gestured towards the Hufflepuff.

"Try different things and see how she reacts. If she doesn't like them, cross them off the list."

- back to present -

"So, Ced..." the Slytherin started, which brought Cedric back to reality. "Could we, maybe, have more flying lessons. After you helped me, I tried flying on my own but got kinda... scared." She laughed at herself.

As there was no backrest on the benches, he put a hand behind her, on the bench, and leaned on that hand. "Yea, why not? I have to look at that schedule, though." He smiled, admiring her.

"Alright, thanks." she smiled at him, before taking a last gulp of the beer. They spent some more time in the pub, just talking different flying techniques Y/N could use for getting over her fear of flying.

They were walking back to the school. The Hufflepuff was telling the girl about the Nimbus 2000 and how amazing it was, before Oliver appeared next to them.

"Hi!" the Gryffindor captain waved at the two of them. The two waved back. "Heard you two talking about Quidditch and brooms. Mind if I join?"

"Please do, Oliver. Cedric here is teaching me things about the sport. I am kinda starting to like it." chuckeled the girl. "He's also helping me get better at flying. Do you maybe have some tips too for a beginner like me-" she suddenly didn't feel the ground beneath her feet. Just a few seconds later, she stopped.

𝑴𝒓 𝑯𝒖𝒇𝒇𝒍𝒆𝒑𝒖𝒇𝒇 | Y/N x Cedric DiggoryWhere stories live. Discover now