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Lix's pov : he believed me so easily

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Lix's pov : he believed me so easily....strange... *happily walking with packages in hands*.  

I can't waste money by taking a cab i've to walk like this to the bus.... Ahh this manager paid me or not *checks his phone*. This much 1000$....

From this I can pay him but i've to save for them too... So I should pay the same as before....

Lix : the lock pattern was always the same

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Lix : the lock pattern was always the same.... So this time it'll also... *types the number. The door opens*.

Then suddenly he got pushed from the behind....

Then suddenly he got pushed from the behind

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Lix : what the hell... *turned to look*.

Hj : search every inch of here.... *order his mens*.

Lix : what are you doing.....

Hj : shhh........stay in the corner and close your mouth.... And if you can't shut your mouth... I can do that for you.... *licks his own lips*.

Lix steps back....after hj sat on the bed....

Lix's pov : so he was following me all the way... *rolled his eyes*.

Hj : so this is where you live.*looks around*.

Guard : sir we looked everywhere..han sir is not here......

Lix's pov : how can he be here....when it is not my house.... *sighs in relief*.

|| Hyunlix ff || Mafia's Obsession : Dangerous LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora