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"I don't think we have enough space to house all my family."

Zhongli looked at Childe, eyes wide. "We're expecting to host all of them?"

"Yeah? Where else will they stay?"

"...a hotel? Inn, perhaps? If money is a problem we can pay it."

Childe scratched his head. "They let us stay over at their house. It's only fair-"

"Their house was big enough, and there was only two of us. This isn't just two people."

"I know! It's my Momma, Pa, Tonia, Anton, Teucer, big sis Anya, Natalia, their kids, and potentially big brother Boris and his family."

"That's nineteen people, potentially . Childe, we don't have space to host all of them."

"I don't want to disappoint them! They're expecting me to have a place for them!"

"Letting them stay at the inn is also a way of giving them a place to stay."

"You never had family like I do, so you don't get it! Stop acting like you do!"

Childe realized he'd snapped and said something hurtful. He turned away from Zhongli, unable to face him.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. I'm just so stressed," Childe mumbled.

"You are right, I never experienced what it is to have a parental relationship. I was born able to survive on my own. I don't implicitly understand the bond between parent and child from a child's perspective," Zhongli said, and hugged Childe. "But as a parent, I know I would never want my children to make themselves miserable trying to prepare me a place to stay."

Childe turned around to shove his head in Zhongli's shoulder. "I thought the stress would disappear...it's only gotten worse. I'm exhausted. I don't know what to do. Zhongli...how can I make my parents proud if I'm such a mess?"

"You make me proud, every day. You are a part of their family, but this, right here, with me and our children, is also your family. Your very own family."

Childe sniffled. "My own family."

"That loves you unconditionally. We're here to support you."

"Mmm...can you support me to bed? I need a rest..." Childe slumped over into Zhongli's arms.

Zhongli chuckled. "Of course, my darling. You've worked hard today."

Zhongli picked Childe up and brought him to bed. Once he was all tucked in, he got in bed himself.

"What about the twins...?" Childe yawned.

"They only just started their nap. It'll be a while before they wake up," Zhongli said. "I'll take care of them if they get up earlier."

"My family is coming tomorrow..."

"It'll be okay. I'm here for you."

Childe smiled softly. "Thank you."

Childe fidgeted as the boat from Snezhnaya began the docking process. Jinhai started fussing, so he picked him up and bounced him in his arms.

"It'll be okay," Zhongli said.

"You think my nerves are rubbing off on the babies?" Childe asked.

"Would you like me to hold Jinhai?"

"No, no. It's fine. He's calming down."

Childe placed the now calm baby back in his carrier just as the passengers began to depart. He turned to hear someone calling his name from the ramp.

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