chapter 1

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Childe sat in the middle of a forest in Snezhnaya. The fire roared, cooking the Bamboo Shoot Soup he prepared. Fatui agents milled around camp, setting up tents and relaxing.

A few years had passed since he'd mated and gotten married to Zhongli. They had a grand ceremony in his hometown, attended by his entire extended family, reaching all the way to second cousins, and his Archon, disguised, but nonetheless in attendance. The celebration went on for days. Their vows still brought a tear to his eye when he remembered them. They had a smaller ceremony for the Adepti (and Venti) back in Liyue.

He still worked as a Harbinger. It was his choice, after all, to continue. It took him all over Teyvat, drawing him away from home more often than he imagined. However, Zhongli always managed to send letters to wherever he was, thanks in part to Venti, who was more than happy to act as a courier.

However, something in him started to yearn...for peace. A life where he wasn't constantly away from his husband. He loved combat, but he loved Zhongli just as much. If he had to pick between them...

He shook his head. He still had a couple more years of fight in him. He could worry about settling down then.

He opened Zhongli's letter.

Dearest Ajax,

The Glaze Lilies in our garden are almost ready to bloom. I want you to be the one who's singing finally causes them to unfurl their petals, so I haven't done so much as hum a tune at home.

Hu Tao says I am quieter and less fun to mess with when you're away, so she hopes you come home soon. I, also, wish to see you home safe. I worry about you so much.

Your family sent another box of things for a child. They're wondering when we will have children. I know these gifts frustrate you, so I have packed them away in our abode. Some of the items looked like antiques or heirlooms, so I am hesitant to throw out all the gifts, like you suggested.

Every day, I look at the ring you gave me and I wonder what you're doing, what you're thinking about, if you're thinking about me the same way, and staring up at the same sky.

I look forward to seeing you again.

Eternally yours,


Childe couldn't help the smile that creeped across his face. Zhongli cared for him so much. It'd been a couple weeks since he'd left Liyue for this mission, so he hadn't seen him in that long. He looked down at his wedding ring, a band of Geo energy so tightly wound, it resembled gold. He gave it a little kiss.

A wave of sadness came over him. Tears gathered in his eyes. He really missed Zhongli, didn't he? More than he thought. He sniffled, trying to keep himself composed.

"Lord Harbinger?" A Fatui agent approached slowly. "Are you okay?"

Childe looked up and chuckled. "Just a little homesickness...don't worry too much."

The agent left him alone. Dinner came and went, and he retired to his personal tent. He felt tired and kind of bloated. He hadn't really eaten anything the entire day, so he ate a lot. That was probably why he felt so weird.

He fell asleep easily.


Zhongli was right in front of him, facing away from him. Something was in his arms. Something small. Wrapped up in a blue blanket.

"What is it, Zhongli?" Childe answered casually, trying to calm the anxiety rising in his chest. It couldn't be...could it?

"He's so beautiful...our son. Don't you want to hold him?"

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