CHAPTER XXIV: Self-Proclaimed Guilt

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Once Graves was casted into the infirmary, the medics immediately went to work to try and bring him back to conscious. The constant work on him because he is an important figure to the team and he is also one of Price's lieutenants. Of course, they just had to give him immediate treatment because Price kept reminding them about him.

That's what the medics did. Exactly what Price told them to do – focus on Graves.

Once in a while, some of the team would visit his unconscious body in the infirmary with all the complicated tubes attached to his body and with that mask on. They hoped that Graves would actually fight in his coma and soon wake up another day. Graves never gave up on them, so why should they give up on him now?

The problem was – ever since Rodolfo's death, Graves still hasn't woken up. It has been almost a week ever since that incident.

"When do you think he'll wake up...?" Price asked Soap next to him while looking at Graves' body, just laying in the bed – a slow heartbeat from the monitor.

"...I-I don't know. I just hope he wakes up soon.",

"I don't wanna lose somebody again after Rudy."

Price just nodded at him and just proceeded to look at the unconscious man. Nothing was changing at all, just a slow heartbeat from the screen and also no signs of having control.

Nothing changed.


It has been a few days later, and Graves was still not waking up. It was getting to the team that they're losing motivation to visit him once in a while because of their packed schedule with missions and everything. They felt bad that they had to not constantly visit him anymore, but if Graves ever heard that – then he'll be okay with it.

What mattered to him is that they'd visit him not every day, but once in a while.


If by any chance – that Graves would just wake up in an instant...

It'd be a miracle.

And so, they tried all their best in order to heal him faster.

Most medics stayed up all night in order to monitor Graves and to also give him all the best treatment they could possibly do. Putting all their sweat into just one person, just because the captain ordered them to do so.

Finally, one day...

"The heartrate is going faster! It's working!" One of the medics saw the heartrate pulsing faster through the screen of the monitor, mostly everyone was overjoyed.

"Give it time, he'll wake up soon enough." A medic replied back.

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