Chapter 1 "The Proposal"

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Narrator: Everything begins somewhere, no one knows where or how but if it helps you understand this story it began many centuries ago. There were two unique beings, one was the light itself, and the other one was the darkness. Both were natural opposites, but although it is difficult to understand, both got along quite well, since one was in charge of giving warmth to living beings and illuminating their paths, while the opposite caused cold feelings of sadness and loneliness with its darkness and the mysteries that it had.

At some unspecified point in this story, the light was traveling through the galaxy at a speed of "c" which means that it was traveling at 299,792,458 meters per second, which can give us to understand that time itself was dilated the second that the light itself began to move.

The light at some point during one of their trip arrived at a new planet that was different from the others since there were different creatures of different bodies, shapes, species, and colors, which made this planet unique from the others, not to mention the unique abilities these beings had.

The light felt a very deep interest in this planet, which is why it decided to add a name to it and visit it on multiple occasions in its many trips through the galaxy, the name chosen for this planet was "Earth". The reason why it was decided to call this planet "Earth" was because of its simplicity since this new planet was in a recently created galaxy and unlike the other galaxies that this being had created and visited, this one was the simplest since at the time that it had reviewed there were only 160,000 million planets in this new galaxy. Something that no one knew was that the same being that was in charge of creating and being light was also in charge of creating different galaxies around the universe. Therefore, although not many believe it, the being of darkness, in addition to creating the darkness and being the darkness around the universe, is the same creator of the universe and the different stars and planets in it, in the same way, the being of darkness is also the creator of the being of light, which was given the ability of incomparable speed and brightness that not even the universe could emit.

As the years passed, the being of light and creator of the galaxies began to see how new creatures arose from said planet earth, specifically some very similar creatures but in the same way very different, the being realized that many of the creatures had incredible strength for a mortal being, however, similar creatures appear, these were thinner and with a thing on their head which helped them have magical abilities such as moving things or appearing and to disappear from an area at a short distance, and finally, a small creature similar to the other two appeared, it had two extra parts on their backs that helped them move faster than the last two creatures and travel to different areas of the small planet in just a few days. These beings fascinated the entity of light, wanting to have an easier and more relaxed life with them than running all the time to create new galaxies which took a long time to do. However, the entity did not want to leave his counterpart alone since they were very close. These are why the entity decided to tell the darkness itself about his ideas about these creatures and the decision to become one.

- The darkness was contemplating the abyss that it had created, in a place so silent and harmonious-

- The light as fast as always arrived at the abyss that the darkness created, after having visited the planet earth again -

Darkness: I didn't expect you here, what do you need? (the darkness is not looking into the light, it is looking into the abyss)

Light: Umm... sorry if I'm interrupting something, I just wanted to tell you that... that... Ummm... I just...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2023 ⏰

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