Such a good boy Harry.

"Even if you can be a right arse sometimes," Theo finished, coughing weakly.

Harry smiled thinly, replying "Thanks Theo," not knowing what else to say. "If you don't hate my father, who do you hate?"

Harry watched as Theo thought, his expression darkening slightly, "Snape," he said finally. "I hate Snape. He hurt you, and he's been a right prick to me and my Dad."

Harry nodded, "Snape. I can do Snape."

He waved his wand, greasy black hair sprouting from the dummy's head, a hooked nose and dark, narrowed eyes painting themselves on its face. Dark robes were conjured and wrapped around the dummy's body, and Harry heard Theo huff out a laugh from behind him.

"Good?" Harry asked.

"It's perfect."

"Are you ready?"

Theo nodded, "I think so. And you're sure dark magic is what'll make me better?"

"Positive," Harry said, supressing a grin.

"What curse did Snape use," Theo asked quietly, "to cut you I mean."

"Diffindo," Harry said, "which isn't a dark curse. But I know one that works just the same. Snape created it actually."

"Tell me," Theo said.

"You say 'sectumsempra'."

And so, from the floor, Theo raised his wand, a hard glint in his eye as he glared at the Snape-like dummy.

His wand shook in the air as Theo hissed the curse through his teeth, "Sectumsempra!"

The curse hit the dummy, lines slashing through the wood like invisible knife wounds. No blood poured from the dummy's wooden body, but Harry could imagine it well enough. On the floor, Theo gasped, the muscles in his neck working as he threw his head back, breathing hard and fast. "Sectumsempra!" he yelled again, more slashed appearing in the dummy. Harry grinned as Theo slowly rose to his feet, the dark veins sinking into his skin like ink, gone from sight but throbbing in his blood like a second heart.

"Try crucio," Harry breathed.

Theo only hesitated for a moment, "Crucio," he almost whispered.

Although the wooden dummy did not move, Harry could taste the unforgiveable curse in the air, its power a physical thing.

Theo started laughing.

He laughed and laughed as he held the curse, his hand steady and the colour back in his cheeks. "Crucio!" he yelled again, and Harry laughed with him this time, imagining James if he could see his son now, hair mussed by the charge of power in the air, fire alight in his eyes, a terrible grin on his face.

After a while, Theo stopped, panting, lowering his wand slowly.

Harry was there in an instant, his hands on Theo's shoulders in case the boy collapsed.

"How do you feel?" he asked.

Theo looked into his eyes and grinned, "I feel amazing," he breathed, "I don't think I've felt this good ever. I feel like I could- like I could do anything!"

Harry laughed, "Better then?"

"Much, much better."

Harry let go of him, confident enough that the boy would be able to stand on his own.

"I used crucio," Theo said softly. "That's an unforgivable curse."

Harry nodded, "I know."

"I don't- It didn't- I mean-"

"You don't have to explain," Harry said, "I've gone through this. All of it. You don't need to explain anything to me."

Theo looked at Harry for a moment before striding forward and wrapping his arms around him. Harry stood, frozen for a moment, before gingerly returning the embrace. Theo's skin was red hot under his shirt, alight with the residue of the magic he'd just used.

"Thank you," Theo whispered.

"Meet me back here after dinner tomorrow," Harry said, "You need to do this every day."

They let go of each other, and Theo smiled, "I'll get to see you more."

Harry nodded, "I look forward to it."

Theo turned to leave.

"You can't tell anyone," Harry called out, stopping him in his tracks, 'Not even your parents. Not even your friends."

"I know I can't," Theo said, "They- they wouldn't understand."

Watching Theo leave the room of requirement, all Harry could think of was that by Yule, Theo Potter would be on his side. On Voldemort's side.


I present you with another chapter.

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