𝒔𝒊𝒙, smugglin'

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I made JJ Maybank blush.


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        AS THE GROUP WATCH Lana Grubbs sob over a man's dead body as he's wheeled along the dock on a stretcher, Ava and Kiara squish themselves side by side on a small box, while JJ balances precariously behind them with one hand curled around the ceiling beam of the small dock hit. Pope and John B are perched at either side of Peeler.

"Who's that?" John B questions her, nodding his head towards the stretcher.

"It's Scotter Grubbs. He was out during the storm," Peeler explains, pulling her phone from her pocket and turning it for the group to see, "Check out this pic I got. Dead bodyyy."

The teens surrounding her, lean forward to look at her phone screen at the gruesome image of Scooter's bloody body bruised black and blue.

"What kind of boat did he have?" JJ questions, head tilting.

"Somehow that dirtbag copped a brand new Grady White. Everyone's looking for it," She shrugs, shaking her head ass he continues to flick through images on her phone of the accident.

At her words, Ava's back straightens and Kiara shifts beside her, before both of the girls slowly turn their heads to meet each others gazes in surprise and then they peer around at their friends with wide eyes. They found his boat. They found a dead man's boat. 


         AFTER HANDING THE GROUP beers as she steps out onto the back porch, Ava lifts Kiara's legs so she's able to slip down onto the sofa before dropping her friends legs over her own again. Raising her head from her beer, Ava notices JJ sat in the armchair, his fingers flicking his lighters lid open and closed repeatedly while he stares right back at her, not blinking while he bites his lips, his eyes flowing up and down her body as if it's just him and her alone, and his mind is telling him secret things.

Before she has the chance to say anything, Pope runs up the porch steps, throwing open the door with a bang and snapping the blonde boy from his trance.

"Okay. So, um, we didn't see anything. We know don't anything. We need to have total and complete amnesia!" Pope explains frantically, perching on the arm of the sofa beside Ava.

Shoving his lighter into his pocket, JJ stands up, nodding in agreement, "Actually, Pope's right for once," He smirks at the boy, "See I agree with you sometimes. Deny. Deny. Deny."

𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐄𝐕𝐎𝐔𝐒, jj maybank [ rewrite ]Where stories live. Discover now