Chapter 2

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I padded into the woods backed onto my family home and climbed a tree. Far enough that no one would see. But close enough that I could watch whoever found the body.

While I waited I cleaned my fur. My father's blood tasted rank as I cleaned up as best as I could without a proper bath. But I wasn't staying long. I just needed to know that someone had found him before I left. That someone had acknowledged my work.

Deciding to catch a little sleep I closed my eyes willing the dreams to keep away. It was easier when I still had my family. They were my light but now I only existed in darkness. My leopard grumbled at me as my eyes slipped closed as if she could protect me from my dreams.

"Come out, come out little cat, don't play so hard to get. You know you want this too" A man's voice shouted.


I hissed a warning through bared teeth but he grinned. I shrank backwards my tail wrapping around me protectively.

"You know all I have to do to take what I want. do you want me to beat you unconscious again? So give up it'll be easy" he mocked gesturing to my shaking leopard form.

Callum was the leader of the local pride now. He'd challenged and won. Now he thought he owned every cat in the territory.

I hissed another warning. But I knew it was pointless. He was bigger and stronger than me and nothing I did would stop him. I was barely eighteen and I was new to the world outside my family home. I was naive and the years of abuse from my parents had shattered my self-worth.

I yowled in pain as he smacked me in the face. The pain was immediate and I reeled back. He reined several more hits and with each one, my vision grew dark. I felt my form waver as I shifted. The air was cold to my human skin. He climbed on me then and forced me to do what he wanted as I drifted in an out of consciousness from his blows.

The rest of the memory played out in feelings and thoughts. Pain. Suffering. Loathing. Terror.

I awoke with a start my claws flexed into the tree my heart feeling like a beating drum in my chest. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. The numbers I counted eased my mind as I came back to myself. My muscles were knotted and it felt as though there was a cold sweat under my fur.

Looking over at my family home a sick thrill went through me as I noticed police cars. Someone had finally come and found that miserable man. A satisfied rumble escaped me as I pitched my ears forward to hear something.

"It's abhorrent, why would anyone do this," A high-pitched female voice said the sound full of confusion and sorrow.

He didn't deserve anyone's sadness. Only hatred and disgust. She doesn't know what he was. All the evidence would be uncovered as they investigated. When that happened they'd come to seek me out. I couldn't wait for that to happen I needed to get back to my work. Callum was next. It had been more than 30 years since I had last sought him out. I would see him in passing but my mate had always been my grounding force.

However, since he and my children were no longer here I was free to do what I wanted. The last I heard Callum was old and weak and no longer had the backup of the pride. Which was perfect. Jumping down from the tree silently I blended with the foliage as I abandoned my watching. I needed to get home before they called on me.

I padded away slowly, keenly aware that I could be caught at any time. It gave me a thrill that I didn't think I needed. The woods around the town were extensive. I could get lost for hours in them, but my leopard led me back to my den. The house was a small cabin with a small vegetable patch outside. I inhaled slowly exposing the roof of my mouth. Everything seemed calm as I shifted again. Human.

I was unsure of my legs for a fraction of a second before the motion came to me easily. I spent the majority of my time as a leopard ever since the incident and sometimes I forgot what being human felt like.

Walking into my garden tears stung my eyes as I spotted the last of the chalk drawings my children had made three months ago were gone. The sitting swing at the front of the cabin looked so sad now. When we were a family we'd see the morning in by snuggling on it with hot chocolate and blankets. I was weeping even before I opened the door, the pain again, fresh and raw as my eyes immediately went to all of my mounted photographs.

There was one of me and my mate on our wedding day. Ethan. He had chased away my demons and brought light into my life. Without him though the house he built for us felt cold. The next photo was of my three children. It had been taken just weeks before they were killed. Twin daughters, Esme and Erin. 11 years old they were. Just starting to find out who they were and what they wanted to be. And then my little boy. Ray. Bearly five years old and someone thought it right to snuff out his life.

Shutting the cabin door I tore my eyes from the photos. I needed to be clean when the police came looking. I went through the motions as my mind stayed away. I took a shower and made myself a cup of tea. I then went to sit on the chair swing in a sundress that I didn't care about getting dirty. I sipped my drink leisurely. My leopard had gone silent. Resting now that I was awake and alert.

I knew they were there long before I saw them. Two police officers breathing heavily as they climbed the incline to my home. When they finally spotted my house relief overtook their features. A man and a woman. Scenting the air I was surprised they were both humans. I thought the town had its own supernatural crime unit. In that case, they must still think it was an animal attack and they'd not found mother yet. 

I stood and smiled as they reached my gate.

"Mrs..." The policeman started.

"Just Ruth is fine officer" I cut in, I couldn't bare to be called by my husband's last name. It would only remind me that it was the last thing I still had of him.

"Ruth it is then" He agreed quickly shuffling on his feet as if he'd been told off.

"Why have you come, is there any information on the killer of my husband and children," I asked truly hopeful.

Though that hope was dashed when the male police officer flinched back.

"No, I'm afraid there is another murder we must discuss today, it's of great importance" The policewoman finally spoke up and the hairs on the back of my neck stood up.

She was the one who'd been sympathetic for father when it had not been warranted.

"What could possibly be more important than justice for my family," I asked raising my voice slightly to emphasise my point.

The man flinched again and I realised this must be his first case.

"With all due respect ma'am we found your father this morning it looks like an animal got him" The woman spoke cutting through the tension in a stumble of words.

"And I should care because" I questioned bored already.

Police some of them were too goody-goody.

"He's your father" The man tried softly.

"And that father abused me and made my life a miserable hell for 18 years, I had siblings once you know. Where do you think they are now? Officer Denzel" I growled fixing him with a cold stare.

Before either of them could question me further one of their radios blared to life.

Woman found. In lake. Drowned. Foul play is suspected. The woman's name is Irene Burlese. Wife of Robert Burlese. No animal attack. murder suspected.

I bit my cheek to keep from smiling as a look of horror crossed both officers' faces.

"Ruth, we'll be back please don't leave town we'll have more questions for you" The woman spoke before she turned on her heel to leave. Officer Denzel followed behind her like a stray puppy.

"Names Penelope Renant, remember it for next time Ruth" The woman shouted over her shoulder.

smiling I nodded knowing we could be meeting more frequently. How many could I kill before she caught me? The challenge heightened my desire to kill again.   

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