Hazy Memories

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fun fact: when I set out to rewrite one of my fics, my first choice was Unhinged

in the end, I kept getting too embarrassed to read further LOL

maybe one day, when my willpower isn't as flimsy as a stale cracker

with that being said, I am in constant pain (near-physical, I tell you) trying to reread the original ACOH. the aforementioned first person POV is especially cringe-inducing, and I fear that I'll drop dead from embarrassment

anyway, here's the next chapter because I'm horribly impulsive :)


 When Izuku opens his eyes, he's deeply concerned that he's managed to blind himself by virtue of being incredibly unlucky.

As it turns out, though, the gods favor him this once, and he's able to blink away the sunspots with relative ease. He has the oddest urge to crack his neck, but he refrains from doing so, instead attempting to push himself upwards.

And then he's promptly jerked backwards with an undignified yelp, because there are chains binding his wrists to the unfamiliar bed.

Dear god, he wonders, horrified, Was I kidnapped?

He pauses at that thought, brows furrowing.

Actually, why would anyone ever want to kidnap a quirkless kid? That's ridiculous. But... He bites his lip. What other reason would there be for someone to keep me from moving like this?

He turns, and upon meeting the tired gaze of a scruffy-looking hobo, Izuku's soul leaves his body.

Well, he thinks. This is it for me. Tell mom I loved her.

The man huffs, then leans backwards, eyes narrowed in suspicion. As if Izuku is the dangerous one here.

Izuku swallows, and when his nervous gaze flicks around the room, he can't help but notice that it looks like he's in a nurse's office. 

Which has chained him to the bed. For... some reason.

Also, he seems to have a larger audience than he'd thought. One consisting of the aforementioned hobo, a skeleton, an elderly woman, a man in a trenchcoat, and an animal of undeterminable origin.

Well, this isn't terrifying at all.

The elderly woman turns around to eye Izuku. He squeaks in response, and everyone's gaze snaps onto him. His body bursts into metaphorical flame, and he finds himself wishing that he could melt into the sheets.

"You," the woman says briskly, stepping towards the bed. Izuku is trying to figure out where he knows her from - because he swears he has - when she presses her hand to his forehead and clicks her tongue. "From what I can tell, he's perfectly fine," she concludes before walking back to her computer. She either doesn't see Izuku gaping at her, or she just doesn't care.

"Well then," the suited animal says pleasantly, clapping his paws together, "Then let's get on with this, shall we?" The animal's gaze slides over to the man in the trenchcoat, and he nods.

"Deku," the man begins, causing Izuku's gaze to snap onto his. For whatever reason, it causes the man to tense, briefly. After a moment, he exhales. "I'm Detective Tsukauchi Naomasa. My quirk allows me to determine whether or not someone is telling the truth. I've come to ask you a series of questions, at the request of several precincts as well as Yuuei. As it stands, I suggest that you concede to questioning."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2023 ⏰

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