627 21 1

tw: drinking

the next day, y/n woke up. she reached over and touched toms side of the bed only to realize that hes not there.

her thoughts went back to last nights events. a part of her feels guilty but another part of her doesnt.

y/n decided that she was going to get up and get ready for the day.

a few minutes later, she came out of the restroom wearing her favorite dress. but under it, she wore her favorite top and pair of pants.

she opened her bedroom door and went downstairs, expecting to see tom.

but when she reached the bottom of it, he was nowhere to be found. 

but just like last night, she went to the living room to see if he was there. but like last night, he wasnt.

then, she went to the dining room, also expecting to see him. but was instead greeted with a plate on a table. a dirty plate.

he couldnt really do it himself, could he?

was he too easger to leave?

y/n sighs and shakes her head at the same time before walking towards the plate to wash it.

a couple of minutes later, she finishes washing the easy to clean dish, grabs her things, and puts them into her purse before leaving the house.

as she walks by multiple people, she stops by a newspaper boy and buys a newspaper.

she took a moment to stop walking and reads.

hm, sherlock holmes is struggling to crack a case? thats unlikely of him.

she chucks the newspaper in one of her hidden pockets in her dress and continues to walk around.

by the time the clock read 3:00 in the afternoon, she begins to walk towards the bar, where she works.

after her "death", she and tom needed money. so she changed her name and went to search for a job, a job that can both help keep her on the low and let her earn some money. so when she found the bar, she thought it was the most fitting job at the moment and took the opportunity. she was glad she did.

around the late afternoon, 4 to 5 maybe, a familiar person came inside the bar.

he was tall, handsome, and well dressed.

sherlock holmes.

y/n panicked. she knows that hes involved in tewkesburys case and would immediately recognize her.

she decided that in order for her to not get fired from her server job, she will just have to avoid the man.

"excuse me, young lady."


y/n takes a deep breath in and out. 

here goes nothing.

she turns around and smiles at the man, hoping that he wouldnt recognize her.

"hello, sir. what can i help you with?" she asks. sherlock eyes her for a moment.

"well, first things first id like a glass of your finest drink," y/n nods, "and second," he pauses, "your name."

y/n freezes. 

"my name?" sherlock hums in agreement.

"im sorry sir. but i cannot tell you that."

"why not?"

"it wasnt in my work description to give my name to the customers...?" y/n responds with a slightly confused tone in her voice.

sherlock hums once again, "i see," he says and walks towards a nearby seat and sits on it, "but might i ask,"

y/n could feel herself shaking and sweating.

"were you ever involved in a-"

"-ill have to excuse myself, sir. i must serve you your drink and not get fired," y/n cuts sherlock off before she couldnt back off and speed walks towards the bottles.

she asks someone else to serve the drink to him and distracts herself with another customer.

all was going well until she felt eyes on her as she was walking.

she didnt need to turn around to know, she already knew who it was.

"stop staring," she says when she stops by him.

sherlock was cut off from his stare and train of thoughts when she spoke, "i was not staring."

"dont lie, its obvious that you were. why were you staring and what do you want?" y/n asks.

"as i said before, your name," he replies.

"you didnt answer my first question."

sherlock sighs, "i need your name."

"need? why?"

"you seem familiar. important to an old case," he explains.

"i have a common face, mister holmes. and if a case is old, why bother to think about it? is it not solved already?" y/n says.

sherlock stutters for a moment, "i- uh-"

"-but if you need it so badly, the names polly, polly zendrough. thank you for the small talk, mister holmes. but i must get going. customers to serve, drinks to pour. goodbye," she cuts him off again and goes to serve other people.

not so long after, y/n hears a commotion. she turns her head to the scene and finds herself slightly chuckling at the sight of a drunk sherlock holmes, who was in a fight with a man.

a couple of minutes later, she watches as he was thrown out of the shop.

"be away with you, boy!" a man yells and throws his walking cane at him.

she continues to watch through the window, her eyes widening when she notices another familiar person.


y/n turns the other way and walks toward the other side of the bar.

she couldnt wait to get home to fully hide and rest.

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