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tw: language and fighting

"how was the funeral?"a tall and handsome man asks as a woman walks into the house.

she sighs but chuckles softly after and removes her coat before hanging it, "i dont know. i feel bad but happy at the same time while i watched the whole thing. how were you able to make a fake dead body, tom?'

tom chuckles, "i have my ways,

y/n smiles and walks towards him to kiss his cheek.

not so long after her "death" she and tom got together. they fell in love as they were working together to fake her death and decided they wanted to be with each other. however, they promised to take it slow. and it has been successful.

"oh by the way," tom begins, "i have to go out," y/n gives him a curious look, "out? why?"

tom stays silent for a moment, "a meeting with a friend. ill be back before midnight," he wears his coat and leaves, leaving y/n confused and curious about his "friend".

a few hours later, y/n was preparing dinner when she looked at the clock.


she pauses to think for a moment.

will he actually be back before midnight?

who is his friend?

is he cheating on her?

nonsense! tom wouldnt do that. they just got together and promised to take it slow. he wouldnt drop their relationship that quick.

but some promises can be broken.

y/n snaps out of her train of thoughts and continues making dinner.

about an hour later, y/n was already sitting down on her usual seat, waiting for tom to get home so they could eat dinner together, like they always do.

she stares at the food for a while before checking the time.

she looks up at the clock and reads,


midnight isnt close yet.

she doesnt know how long it has been, but it feels like she has been sitting for hours.

again, she decides to check the time.


she sighs and debates if she should eat first. the food is getting cold.

she shakes her head and decides that she could just heat them with a spell later.

a little while later, she looks up again.


she lets out another sigh, tom knows how to put food on his own plate. its not her job to do what a man can do with his own arms and legs.

she heats her food up with a spell and eats, her train of thoughts picking up old what ifs and dropping off new what ifs as she chews on her food.

y/n finishes eating and proceeds to clean up, packing up all the foods and storing them away.

before she went up to her shared bedroom with tom, she pulls out a pen and quill and writes him a note that she has already eaten and he can make his own dinner.

she sticks the note on the table and goes to the bathroom to freshen up.

as she was brushing her teeth, she hears the door open and close.

she hurries up and leaves the bathroom.

she heads to the living room where she thought she would find tom but found nothing.

she next heads to the dining room and found tom on the dining table eating his very late dinner.

y/n once again looks at the clock and clears her throat, catching toms attention.

"hi, love."

"dont "hi, love" me. its almost 1 in the morning."


"oh? is that all you have to say? where have you been? you said you would be back before midnight," y/n points at the clock.

"like i said earlier, in a meeting with an old friend," tom defends himself.

"how could that meeting last more than 5 hours?"

"i have miscalculated then."

"yeah. no shit."

"y/n," toms serious voice speaks.


"please, dont be mad at me. i didnt mean to come home so late. im sorry."

"sorry is not going to make it any better," she crosses her arms against her chest.

"this is the first time it has happened."

"well, theres a first time for everything," she spats.

"y/n, you have nothing to worry about. theres nothing to be suspicious of."

"tom, you went off to see a "friend" and come back hours later. how can i not be suspicious?"

"i know, i know. but please, i am very sorry and i promise it wont happen again."

but some promises can be broken.

but what if hes being honest?

dont be daft.

ill let him go just this once.


"do you forgive me?" he asks.

no you dont.

"yeah, i do," she replies hesitantly after a moment.

tom smiles, "thank you. i promise it wont happen again."

y/n returns the smile and nods, "alright. ill be in our room. im going to bed. enjoy your food."

and with that, she walks away as her thoughts scold her.

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