"Well, now you're stuck with me."

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I would like to thank everyone for their patience while I fixed the other episode. :]

°☆Luigi's pov:☆°
I was walking around the castle one evening, when I noticed something on the wall. I walked up to get a closer look. The walls didn't quite match, as I was looking at it I leaned on a near by flower pot. Then suddenly the wall opened. "Oooh secret passage!" I whispered to myself excitedly. I walked inside. Just then the door closed behind me, leaving me in the dark. As my eyes adjusted I saw the long, big hall infront of me. "Well the only way is forward, so let's do this."

After walking for a while, I came across another door. I pushed on it. it opened, and I found myself in a room I didn't recognize. I looked like a bedroom. Then as I was looking around I heard the door opening. I quickly ran and hid behind a vase that was in the corner of the room.

The door opened and I very quickly realized who's room it was, when Bowser walked in. I wasn't sure what to do, so I just stayed hidden. I peeked out from behind the vase and I saw him walking towards what I assumed what the bath room. Then a few minutes later he came out in diffeent clothes. Then just as he was about to leave the room, I peeked out to far and ended up falling over and making a weird "hhmpg" sound. He looked back as I was trying to re-hide. He walked over to the vase and looked behind it. I was attempting to stay hidden when he picked me up. "What are you doing here?" I just stuttered a weird response. "I- was- uhm- trying- sorry... hi?"
He just looked at me. "Well?" I ended up blurring out everything at once. "Well, I found a trap door and I went inside but it closed behind me and I-" I was cut off by Bowser. "Calm down. Not all at once." I took a deep breath. "I followed the hall way and it led me here, then you came in and I didn't want to be weird so I hid behind the vase. And you know what happened after that." "You fell and I picked you up." "Yeah, sorry." He set me on his shoulder. "Well, now you're stuck with me." He smiled. "Ok, that's fair." I replied. He walked towards the the door then opened it and walked down the hall. "Where are we going?" I asked. "That is on a need to know basis, and you don't need to know." He chuckled. I just smiled.

After a bit of walking we made it to a door that looked diffrent then all the rest. He opened it and walked in. It was a nice room, but I found it strange that it had a lot of green in it. "So what do you think of this room?" I was confused. "It's nice?" He chuckled. "Nice enough to live in?" I was still confused. "Yes??" I took longer than I should have to realize what he meant by what he said. "Wait." He laughed. "Is this for me?" He set me on the floor. "Yup, it just got finished." I looked around.

there was a bed in the left corner with a green comforter on it, and a night stand on its right side. On the back wall there was a window seat, and the wall were painted a light green. There was a dresser in by the right wall with a book shelf next to it that was full of books. On the middle of the room there was a orange and green square rug. And there was a beanbag on the left side of the bed.

I turned to look at Bowser. "Why did you do this for me?" He smiled. "Well, since you going to be here a long time I figured I give you a room of your own so you don't have to stay in Jr's room." Without another thought I ran over and hugged Bowser. I knew I had caught him off guard. "Uhm..." I let go. "Sorry. I just- uhm- sorry..." he chuckled. "It's fine." I back up a little. He smiled. "So you like it?" "Yeah, I do. Thank you!"

Later that night as I was laying in my new bed, the only thing I could think of was how someone actually cared enough about me to do something like buy me a lot of baking supplies and make me my own room.

That made me smile more than anything I can think of.

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