"Alan love?" My Nana spoke as she walked into the kichen as I placed a full bowl of cat food in front of Mittens.

"Yes Nana?" I asked as I grabbed myself a packet of pop tarts from the cupboard, I didn't feel like eating, but I knew if I didn't my Nana would force feed me...literally.

"Me and your grandad where thinking...now I know with what happened to your parents you're not keen on the idea of driving...but, maybe you could give it ago? We can teach you, just...it might give you a bit more independance you know? It's up to you at the end of the day, but I think it would be a good idea, you'll be able to drive yourself to and from school, and work."

I thought for a second, maybe it might be a good idea if I learned to drive, sure the idea made me nervous, given my parents died in a car wreck, but my Nana was right, and I can't be scared forever. "Okay Nana, I'll give it ago, no promises, but I'll try."

"That's my boy." She smiled and kissed my forehead. "There's one more thing...and we've been putting off talking about it but..."

"What is it?" I sighed, hearing the poptarts in the toaster pop and put them on a plate.

"We...we want you to see someone."

"You mean you want me to go to therapy? Where a complete stranger will try to psycho analyse me, pretend like they care, pretend like they know what's going on in my head and "help" me." I rolled my eyes, air quoting the word 'help'.

"Now come on Alan, please don't be like that. I know a genuinely lovely woman, she's not like the rest of them I promise. She won't try to psycho analyse you, she won't judge, nor will she try and help, she'll just sit and listen, let you get it all off your chest and offer some advice, which she will never force you to take on board. Just...you won't tell us what's really going on, you won't tell Shayley, that's fine, we understand it's not always easy to talk to those closest to you and to open up, but love, it's dangerous keeping it all bottled up. We would just feel better if we knew you had someone to talk to."

"Listen to your grandmother son, we only want what's best for you and after what happened, we're so worried. Just try? I'll do you a deal, see her for three sessions, then if it's not helping then we won't make you go anymore."

"Alright, alright I'll go." I sighed in defeat. "Anything else?"

"One more...if you see Austin today and fancy kicking him in the nads...go for it, we won't say a word." My nana winked, causing me to chuckle.

"Nana...don't say nads again...but thank you."

"You're welcome, now go get ready." She kissed my cheek and I ran upstairs to get ready for the long day ahead.


"Hey Alan, you're back." Shayley smiled as he leaned against the lockers that joined onto the side of mine.

"Sadly so." I nodded opening up my locker.

"How you feeling?"

"Physically? I'm fine, otherwise...not so much." I sighed. "But hey, life's gotta go on I guess."

"Hey, how about we hang out after school? Can go to mine, shoot the crap out of some zombies which we will name...Ronnie, Vic, Danny and Austin and pig out on junk food?"

"You know, that actually sounds like a good idea, I'll text my Nana and let her know I'm going to yours after school."

"Sweet as! Shayko and Alko the ulitmate asshole zombie fighting team." Shayley grinned, I chuckled and rolled my eyes at him and turned my attention back to my locker. My heart stopped when I saw a small blue envelope and I knew it wasn't one I left in there. "Alan?"

"Uh did you put a note in my locker?"

"No?" He looked at me confused and I handed him the envelope. "Want me to open it?"

"Please." I nodded, I really didn't want to open it myself. Shayley was quite for a moment while he read through it, his face plastered with that 'unimpressed' expression.

"It's from Austin." He spoke bitterly. "Want to hear it?"

"Just the gist of it will do."

"Well in short, he basically said how he's not going to try and explain, or say he's sorry because he knows you don't want that. He understands that you hate him right now, he doesn't blame you blah blah blah, but he meant it when he said he loved you, blah blah blah, his feelings where real, blah blah blah, bullshit, bullshit and more bullshit, he thinks you both need space and time, he's not going to give up on you blah blah blah. Signed with 'I really do love you, Austin' and enough hugs and kisses to sink the titanic."

"Yeah well if he meant it, he would've told me the truth." I scoffed, taking the note from Shayley and reading it for myself.

"Exactly! I mean wouldn't have excused it, but at least he'd of been honest rather then just lying to your face that whole time."

"My point exactly, but he didn't, he lied and he was only coming to tell me because he was scared Ronnie was going to tell me. He was only coming to tell me because he was forced too, so screw him" I was putting on a tough front, acting like reading that note didn't phase me, but really, all I wanted to do was brake down and cry. As much as I hated him, I still missed him and I just wanted to find him and have him hold me, him telling me that it's going to be okay, like he used too. But I couldn't do that, I couldn't allow myself too, I couldn't forgive him, he ruined me, he betrayed me.

Just then from the corner of my eye, I saw Austin standing at his locker, looking over at me, his eyes looking like tears where about to spill over. I really wanted to go and hug him, or give him a small smile...something, but instead I decided to shut off, act like I didn't care, he did this, not me, so why should I care? I slammed my locker door shut, screwing up the paper in my hand and chucking it in the near by trash can before grabbing Shayley by his hand and heading towards my next class. I chanced a quick glance as we got half way down the corridor, his head was against the locker, his face in his hands, his shoulders moving up and down, he was crying, but I wouldn't allow myself to care, so I shrugged it off and carried on.

A/N: Yeah so this was just a filler tbh, sorry if it's a bit naff, had a really rough weekend but really wanted to give you guys an update.

Anyway the next dedication goes to squidgy_weloveu :D Thanks for all your support hun, you're awesome.

ONE MORE THING! If you love the Cashby...go check out the-fanfic-girls new Cashby fic. It's called I've lost all my senses...and it's so good so far and she always writes amazing fics! So yeah, go go go!

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