Chapter 29 (Rewritten)

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(I rewrote this chapter because I didn't like the way I had written it before)
It was the day after Kyra got home. It was good to have her back. My life didn't feel complete without her.
I saw Kyra reading on her Kindle, so I decided to see what she was reading. I looked over her shoulder to see some fancy French words. I tried reading the page that she was on, but I couldn't.
"What are you reading?" I asked.
"Les Misérables," she said, not taking her eyes off the book.
"How can you read that?" I asked, "I can't even read that!"
"Can't read what?" Kirstie asked, walking in from the kitchen.
"Les Misérables!" I said.
"Kyra is reading Les Misérables?" Kirstie almost yelled.
"What is all the yelling about?" Avi asked.
"Kyra is reading Les Misérables!" Kirstie and I yelled in sync.
"Are you some kind of genius or something?" Avi asked.
"I took freshman Social Studies and Science, Sophomore Language Arts, and Junior Lit & Comp and Math," Kyra said.
"My daughter is a genius! My daughter is a genius! My daughter is a genius!" I chanted as I danced around the living room.
Once I calmed down I said, "I guess we won't need to worry about homeschooling for a while then."
"Yay!" Kyra cheered.
"Hey," Avi said, "Since the rest of us are too dumb to read the book, can we watch the movie?"
"I'll make popcorn!" Kyra said as she jumped up from the couch, but she immediately stopped and clutched her side.
"Kyra! Are you okay?" I asked, frantically.
She shook her head as tears streamed down her face.
"I'll get ice!" Avi said as he ran to the kitchen.
"Is it your rib?" Kirstie asked. Kyra nodded.
"Kirstie," I said, "Help me lay Kyra down on the couch." Kirstie nodded and helped me put Kyra on the couch.
Avi came back in with ice, which I put on Kyra's rib. After the ice being on for about a minute, she had calmed down.
"Thanks guys," she said, "Do you still want to watch the movie? I'll make popcorn." she started to get up, but Avi pushed her back down.
"I think that you should rest," Avi said, "I'll go make the popcorn."
"I'll start up the movie!" Kirstie chimed in. Olaf jumped up on the couch by Kyra and licked her face.
Avi came back in with popcorn as the movie previews ended. We all sat down on the couch and started the movie.
We sang along with every song in the movie. All four of us knew all of the words to all of the songs.
On My Own started and I smiled, remembering the day that Kyra played that for me on the cello and sang it for me. Once the movie ended, we decided to watch Phantom of the Opera. We all knew all of the words to that, too.
Next, we decided to watch Rent. Kyra had never seen it, but she loved the music.
Before we knew it, it was 12:30 am. We all went upstairs to go to bed.
I heard Kyra singing Seasons of Love as she was walking upstairs, which made me smile. I felt so lucky to have her as my daughter.

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