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Sol-Esh-Kar is an unforgiving land filled with many unique beasts, many stronger than people, in this guide, we hope to provide useful knowledge to beasts slayers, hunters and woodsmen alike, whether it be how to tame a beast, how to kill a beast, how to identify one or other simple general knowledge.

As a key note, some beasts or monsters are highly sexual in nature and are best to let do to you as they please if you know your weaker then them, if you are equal to or stronger, follow the combat tips provided inside the entry for said creatures which will be marked with a * at the end of there name.

Monsters and beasts are split into multiple categories, dependent on threat level, size, nature and territorial or lack of caring for a territory.

Within threat level is CR, or Combat Rating, the lowest level is 1/8th, the highest 30, a stray cat is a combat rating of 1/8th while a wolf is 1/2 as a baseline comparison, 1 combat rating would be anything able to overpower 3 wolves and sustain heavy injuries in the process, as a basic rule of thumb, CR refers to how dangerous something is, a normal human is 1/2 CR while a guard is 1 CR when armed, a well trained mercenary has a CR of 2 while a master swordsman CR 3, a low class mage CR 2, a normal mage CR 3 a high-class CR 4, and so on, a sage being CR 15, CR doesn't refer to ones skill level, merely level of danger without taking skill to account.

Size is split into, Tiny, small, medium, large, massive, giant, Titan and colossus, generally larger is more dangerous on this list, however exceptions exist just like in CR, a CR 12 beast might be able to take down CR 16 beasts for example, through skill.

Nature, there is aggressive, neutral, passive and a select few others, generally categorized under the first three, there are two notable deviants, sexual and masochistics.

Territorial, territorial beasts have a tendency to defend an area with there life and are recommended to be avoided if possible, however this is of course not always possible due to many reasons, as for non-territorials, if confronted, your only options are to run or fight.

As for further in depth classifications, they will be described when necessary for each monster or beast as is necessary, as not all fit these same classifications and some require unique evaluation, a unique beasts has a + at the end of it's name.

A rarity is monsters with evolutions, indicated with a ^ at the end of there name, Slimes, Oozes and a select few other species are known to have multiple evolutions based on diet, environment and lifestyle.

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