Sweet Union

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By Crazygurl21 also write shikahina and kakahina

(f) Shino eyed Hinata's bulging belly as she happily tend to her herbal garden. Sasuke was on a mission and won't be returning until later this afternoon so the Uchiha asked him to keep an eye on her while he's gone. Shino agreed-even though he has to sacrifice his bug training session with some of his fellow bug users today.

"Shino-kun...can you get that pot f-for me please?" Hinata pointed to her right, where the pots with the cultivated soil are. "I can carry them myself but it's hard for me to bend down."

"Sure." Shino took two pots. "Where will I place them?" He asked in his usual monotone. It was good to spend time with his female teammate... but he can't help getting uneasy just by staring at her bulging midsection. Thinking about Hinata in motherhood was weird...

She was like his little sister...and now she's going to be a mother.

"Just put them there." She pointed on a row of pots. "Arigatou Shino-kun...I really don't want to take much of your time...but I'm happy that you're here though."

"I'm glad that I'm here too." He answered truthfully, putting the pots down on their designated places. It has been rare to spend time with Hinata lately-with his new position as the captain in the sensory nin division-his time outside work was a little tight.


The Aburame's attention snapped to the pregnant woman. She was holding her belly and was staring at him with wide eyes. "Hinata-chan... what's wrong?" Straightening himself up, he waited for an answer as he took hold of her arm to steady her. She was growing pale and for a split second, he thought that she was going to faint.

"Shino-kun..." Hinata grabbed the Aburame's arm as an excruciating pain racked her body. Wincing, she sucked in her breath and closed her eyes. No...It can't be. Sakura told her that she's not due until next week-"Ah..." She gritted her teeth as another pain attacked her insides.

"Hinata-chan, what's wrong?" Shino asked again, alarmed.

"The baby..."

"What about the baby?"

"I think..."

"You think what Hinata?" For a moment, Shino lost his naturally stoic composure. Shaking the woman a little bit to snap her back to her senses, he asked her again. "You think what?"

Hinata took a deep breath, trying to ease the pain by calming down. Mentally, she was telling herself not to worry...her best friend was with her and he's going to take care of her while her husband's away. "Shino-kun...I...I think the baby's coming out."

For the first time in his life, Shino Aburame panicked.

"Shi-Shino-kun...calm down." Hinata managed to say as the Aburame hoisted her up without a word and ran like the wind.


Sasuke tree hoped as he followed the trail that leads back to his house. Good thing the mission was finished early, he could be with his wife much sooner. He knew it was weird...but he already missed the sight of Hinata in her pregnant glory.

Sure she has grown fat...but he liked it. Landing on the soft ground, Sasuke removed his Anbu mask and wiped the sweat off his brow.

"Excuse me!" someone whipped past him in a blur.

"What the..." He took a step back in surprise. Whoever that idiot was...he was not holding back as he ran like the devil himself was behind him. Shaking his head, he stared at the back of the said "idiot" to see if he knew who it was.

Sasuke's eye twitched.

He knew that coat anywhere...add to that, he could see a lot of blue hair waving in the wind as the Aburame ran in an incredulously fast pace.


Hinata tightened her hold on the Aburame's collar as she felt everything around them turn into a blurry mess. "Ano...I think we just passed by Sasuke..."

"It was him?" Shino asked, holding the woman securely. He never knew anything about child birth and he honestly doesn't want to know...what if her bulging stomach suddenly burst? And what if the baby suddenly burst out?

With horror, the Aburame figured that it was better to bring her to the Hospital as fast as possible-before some bursting happen.

"Aburame..." Sasuke suddenly appeared beside them, matching their pace as he too moved his legs as fast as he could. "Where do you think you're going with my wife? And why are you running so fast?"

"Sasuke-kun." It was Hinata, clinging for dear life.

"The baby is going out!" Shino answered, throwing his usual coolness out the window. "Your baby is going out!"

Sasuke's eyes widened. "The baby? You mean our baby?"

"Hai. It's coming out."

"Then why are you so slow idiot?" Sasuke growled, his face turning pale. "You are not fast enough!" (f)


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