Chapter Twenty-Four: The Test

Bắt đầu từ đầu

"All right, go ahead."


"Not at all."

"You're starting at -11."

"Bring it."

I watch their exchange with some satisfaction. The fact that Ben agreed to come here at all is something in his favor. That he's also letting Kit walk all over him makes him that much more appealing, to be honest.

"He should get 5 points for agreeing to do this."

"All right," Kit says, tapping the pen against her chin after she puts a +5 in his column. "Where did you grow up?"


"More precisely?"

"On the Upper East Side." He names a street I don't know, but Kit seems satisfied.



"Grade point average?"

"Kit," I say.

"You said I could ask the questions."

"He's not applying for a job."

"Yes, he is."

"I don't mind, Chloe," Ben says. "I had a 3.5 in high school. My best subjects were history and music."


"Baseball and tennis."

"What instrument?"

"Piano since I was five. Then guitar, trumpet, drums ..."


Ben nods slowly.

"Let's give him +5 for piano," I say.

"Fine," Kit says. Now Ben's at -1 only. "University?"



"Music with a minor in teaching."

Kit marks something down on the paper. It looks like a +2. That must be for the teaching. She has a soft spot for people who are willing to work with kids. At least he's in the black now, if only slightly.


"4.0 that time."


"I found my calling."

"Being in a band?"

He smiles. "I wish. I tried that, but I realized pretty quickly that my talents were in discovering talent, not being at the front of house."

"Can't sing?"

"I can. I had some pretty crippling stage fright, though, and I didn't have the it-factor."

"What is that?"

"You know—that thing that makes you not want to take your eyes off the person on the stage? That magnetism all lead singers have. I didn't have it."

Kit taps her pen again, then puts down -1.

"I get a minus for that?"

"You think Chloe should be with someone who doesn't have the it factor?"

He laughs. "Okay, I get it. But there are positives, too."

"Such as?"

"Lead singers make terrible boyfriends. Trust me."

"I can see that."

"And as the business guy, I have a much more stable life. I can keep office hours, for the most part."

CHLOE BAKER'S LOST DATENơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ