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Over fed

You collapse tiredly, your stomach so full you could burst, you had been drinking her blood for around 15 minutes and it kept pouring out like a fresh wound instead of drying up

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You collapse tiredly, your stomach so full you could burst, you had been drinking her blood for around 15 minutes and it kept pouring out like a fresh wound instead of drying up. There was such a metallic taste to it but it was so sweet. You were almost attached to it, not wanting to stop drinking, almost like alcohol to and alcoholic. But your body couldn't drink anymore, your stomach filled to the brim.

You went almost into a food type coma, laying limp on your back with your head drooping to the side slightly, drool mixing with makimas blood dripping from your mouth.

You pass out, murmuring gratefully and tiredly from indulging in so much blood. But Makima was disappointed, I guess your stomach was so used to eating small meals that your stomach hadn't adjusted to eating or drinking bigger ones.

But that wasn't the only reason why she was disappointed. For some strange reason the over feeding of her blood hasn't given her any extra control over you... And There only could be one reason that isn't the case.. "Good-nihet.. mamkimpa..." you attempts to tell makima goodnight were pathetic, but hearing it fall from yours lips genuinely made makima smile, there was truly nothing better than tainting the purity of innocent creatures..

makima pulls you up so you were laying properly in the bed, pulled the blanket from underneath your body and tucked you in. Makima didnt bother to change her clothes, instead decided to change the sheets in the morning. Makima slid into the bed. nuzzling her head into your side, her fingers trailing up over your thighs underneath the covers, your skin so soft and supple despite living in the wilderness for your entire human life so far. her hands caressed your thighs, squeezing them gently before moving up to your stomach, rubbing it to soothe your sleeping body's full stomach. her hand moved up slowly to your chest, she giggled slightly as her finger brushed against your breast. She retracts her hand as your stir, she decides to get some rest as well, not as if she needed it, but she wanted to enjoy the night with your barely clothed form. She tugs you closer.

hugging you gently, Closing her eyes.. "I'll get you all cleaned up for your first mission tommorow...." she mumbled before she drifted off to sleep.

Your grumbled, shifting slightly and stirring. your eyes crack open. the light seeping in through the windows.you arch your back and stretch upwards, eyes starting to water slightly was you yawn. You lay their for a little longer before shooting upwards. You look around the room, scanning to see wherever Makima was. You saw steam rolling from underneath a door at the backside of the room. You stand up, your legs trembling slightly from tiredness. you rub your eye as you make your way over to the door , opening it slowly. It was a bathroom. White tile with a sink and a toilet, and a very large tub.

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