Chapter six || the death of a loved one

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Rebekah had left Mystic Falls the day after the two girls had arrived. Now, a week later Abigael was still in town, spending some quality time with her little brother for the first time in two thousand years. She knew her brother wanted to die and was just waiting for the day they found Amara and he would get his wish come true. Abigael had gotten several texts and calls from all three originals back in New Orleans, along with Hayley, all wondering when the girl would come back.

"You know, Qetsiyah is still alive" Silas said as the sibling duo walked thought the forest, looking for Amara, Silas's one true love.

"Do you know where she is to be found?"

"No, I'm sorry".

The two siblings walked in the dark, knowing the spell had shown Amara to be around here somewhere. They could hear muffled noises coming form not more than hundred meters away. They made their way over to the source of the noise, revealing Amara tied up to a tree with a cloth tied over her mouth.

"Amara" Silas run up to his one true love as Abigael stood watching. Silas untied Amara as she told him in desperation how she could not keep living like this. Amara was the so-called anchor to the other side, making her feel the pain of every supernatural being who died. Which meant two thousand years of immense pain. Abigael understood Amara, just as she understood her little brothers wish. She would not try and talk her brother out of it, because she knew he would not budge on his decision.

Just as Silas was about to slice Amara's throat with a knife blade, someone attached Silas, holding him up against a tree. Abigael was confused by the sight in front of her. The guy holding her brother by the throat looked just like her brother, a doppelganger of Silas.

Silas used his powers to pry his doppelganger off him, but before anyone could react, the doppelganger reached for the knife Silas not long ago held at Amara's throat and threw it at Silas. The knife his Silas right besides the heart, making him fall to the ground. Abigael ran to her brother, taking his head in her hand.

"I can heal you, if you want."

"No, let me go" Silas whispered.

"I love you forever, and I will miss you for that long too".

"I love you too, Abi".

The doppelganger stood dumbfounded watching the scene as Abigael took the knife out of a dead Silas as she walked over to Amara, killing her too.

"Go" Abigael stated, making the doppelganger leave just as fast as he had arrived.

Abigael stayed in the woods for three days. Burying her brother and his lover, side by side. She sat watching her brother's grave as she heard someone approaching her.

"So, this is why you don't answer your phone, you're too busy watching the grass grow" the man behind her tried to make a joke, hoping to lighten her mood.

"What are you doing here, Niklaus?"

"The Salvatore's called, afraid you might go on a killing spree and kill them all after what Stefan did".

"I won't kill them".

"Come on, love, let me take you home".

Abigael obeyed the hybrid, but before she could leave, she had to talk to the Salvatore's, because her mission was not over.

Abigael knocked on the door before entering, not having the patience for someone to come open.

"Love..." Klaus said as she entered the house.

"You" the guy who was a lookalike to her dead brother spoke.

"Klaus, we brought you here so she wouldn't kill us all" Damon spoke.

"Stefan, right?" Abigael now stood in front of her brothers' lookalike.

"Yes, I'm really sorry, but Silas tormented us, he locked me in a safe and threw me in a lake, for three months" Abigael could see the boy was terrified of her.

"Relax, ok? I am not here to kill you. Silas wanted to die, and you simply did me a favor. You killing him meant I didn't have to" the girl simply smiled at Stefan, shocking everyone in the room with her words.

"Now, I will leave you and your friends alone, but I need you to tell me one thing first. Where can I find Qetsiyah?"

"She's crazy, why would you want to find her?"

"I'm going to kill her. Now, where can I find her?"

Klaus looked at the girl in front of him, not recognizing her at all. In New Orleans she had been sweet and kind, even to him. However, now her voice was stone cold, and her eyes showed no emotions but hatred and anger.

"I can call her, ask her to come over".


"No" Damon said from the sidelines, "what if she kills us, Stefan?"

"She won't, I'll make sure of it" Abigael answered, her voice stern and certain.

Abigael - Daughter of Chaos || Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now