Chapter 3

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Niall and I just finished up eating at Nando's and he grabbed his wallet out of his pocket. I grabbed my purse and got some money out of my wallet.

“Melody, what are you doing?” Niall asked looking at me.

I handed him the money, “Paying for my part Niall.”

“No, I don't want your money.. I'll pay for you.” he smiled.

“Niall, I already feel bad for ruining your day, I can't let you pay for me.” I stated.

“Melody, listen to me. You did not ruin my day.” he said, “To be completely honest, you've made my day so much better.”

“Niall, I don't see how I've made your day better.” I said quietly.

“Because, I've laughed so much more with you than I have laughed in the past month.” he explained, “Everything is getting too serious now. I have tour coming in about a month, I've got tour meetings, practices I've got the Brit awards to worry about.. I've got all these award shows to go to, I don't even have time to think.”

“Wow, I never thought you would be this busy Ni.” I said looking at him.

“It's all getting too much for me. I don't have no time to myself.. but today you've just helped me enjoy life.”

I smiled, “Really??”

He smiled, “Really. I know that we've just met and all but I think you're going to be a very important part of my life.”

I blushed slightly and looked down. He pulled my face back up softly with his finger and smiled.

“You're special to me.” he said softly.

I couldn't help but smile.

'Today couldn't become any better.' I thought, 'I can't believe that this is really happening to me right now.'

Niall paid and we left Nando's. We walked down the streets.

“Is there anything you want to do Melody?” Niall asked looking at me.

“Not really, no.” I said quietly.

We sat on a bench and I looked out at the water.

“Are you alright Mel?” I heard Niall ask me.

I shook my head.

“Do you want to talk to me?” he asked quietly scooting closer to me.

“Niall, I don't think that I can continue living the way that I am now.” I whispered feeling tears fall from my eyes.

“What do you mean love?” he asked.

“Everything.” I said, “My life was perfect, and then everything went wrong, just like that.”

Niall pulled me close and I cried into his chest. He patted my head softly and whispered into my ear, “Everything's going to be alright Mel, you're okay.”

After a while I calmed down. I pulled away from Niall softly.

“I'm sorry for crying on you.” I said softly.

“Hey hey hey shh.. Melody it's alright.” he said wiping my eyes.

“I never cry in front of anyone.” I said, “I get so embarrassed.”

“Melody, shh. You're alright.” he said, “I just want to tell you now that you don't need to be afraid of doing anything in front of me. I'm not one to judge.”

“Niall, you are amazing.” I said, “You don't even know me and yet here you are trying to make me feel better.”

“Like I said before, there's something about you that I feel like you're going to be an important part of my life.” he said.

Picking Up The Pieces; A Niall Horan Story <3 ~Where stories live. Discover now