Wiliness and Truth

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Severus Snape really, really hated the Marauders.

When he and the huge group of first-years went to the Hospital Wing after breakfast, they found all the beds were in use with patients groaning in discomfort. "Food must've been poisoned," someone weakly quipped and Severus frowned; what would they achieve in doing this? Did they expect him to shirk away from his responsibility, or wanting him to exhaust himself in carrying out the supposed duties?

Well, that just wouldn't do. If anything, those Gryffindors had severely underestimated on how determined Slytherins could be to prove them wrong. And so, with his group of friends' help, Severus managed to control the bubbly crowd as they explored the huge castle for the day. He even allowed them to draw a simple map for each floor and gave advice to always be in groups to make sure they wouldn't get lost.

"Never thought you would get along with kids, Snape," Mulciber snickered as they had lunch, to which Severus only rolled his eyes.

"I'd rather like them to be prepared of anything and everything," he responded, taking a small bite of his sandwich, "Besides, you said it yourself; they're just kids who knows nothing much. It never hurts for them to be careful."

Rosier grimaced. "You sound like that Auror; what's his name again? That talks about 'constant vigilance' or whatever that is."

And they talked about the disarray in the Ministry and the rumors of a war that might happen in the future. Severus had heard snippets of it but he had brushed them off as mere speculations; besides, Lily hadn't approved of the movement made by the opposing side. Now, there was no one to stop him though he really hoped it wouldn't come down to bloodbath when he finally joined the Dark Lord.

He would rather like if they were to be fully discreet in their attempt to restore the wizarding world to its glory, just like what Slytherins were meant to do. Wars, he thought in distaste, were products of reckless Gryffindors trying to sacrifice their lives in the so-called fame and glory.

Severus almost blanched upon the thought.

They bade goodbye to the new students and went to revise the subjects they would have classes for the next day. Severus also introduced Rogue to his friends and everyone supplied their own nicknames so the bird could call for them easily. He decided to go with 'Russ', simply because his previous nickname only reminded him of Lily.

His patrol rounds were quiet, mainly because no one dared to cross path with the newly-instated honorary Prefect. The fact he could take points from any House for whatever misdeed they might do to him were more than enough to keep the rest of the students in their toes. He also took time to practice using his extra wands before sleeping, wanting them to be as loyal as his hazel wand.

Most of Severus' classes went as they had been for the past five years, with the professors stressed for them to master non-verbal spells within the next month. Severus had had a decent headstart among his peers, but even he wasn't that skilled when it came to perform other artful charms and incantations.

The Defense against the Dark Arts subject was quite a bore, especially when the teacher in charge looked like she was ready to flee at the slightest sight of danger. Severus merely sighed to himself as he read his mother's old copy of Confronting the Faceless and was intrigued with the many Dark creatures that were described in the book.

When Potions came, he was more than ready to prove himself as the most skilled brewer in the room. As he took the farthest seat at the corner of the room, he contently watched as Professor Slughorn asked the questions about the potions he had displayed, with the man knowing very well that he chose not to participate in such childish acts.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2023 ⏰

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