Chapter 3: Old Friends And Serial Killers

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Two Days Later

"I can't believe you ran into that dick head." Charlotte, my long time friend from work mutters as she sits across from me on the wooden bench sipping on her Espresso.

It was a Friday afternoon and the sun was warm. It was a cool afternoon, and I had decided to skip therapy today with Sharon, and invite Charlotte and her kids out to the park with Matthew and I, so they could have a play date.

Charlotte had two young children, and a husband on deployment over in Iraq. We were almost in the same situation, except she had a loving husband who she waited to hear from everyday with baited breath.

But the thing about fighting a never-ending war in Iraq, is that a call from her husband wasn't always guaranteed.

"Tell me about it, I got so sick to my stomach when I saw him." I grumble bitterly, taking a sip from my French Vanilla Latte.

"What about the girl he was with? Do you know her?" Charlotte asks glancing over at me, and I shake my head, pursing my lips.

"Never seen the woman in my life. But she was young, and blonde, with blue eyes. A real sight for sore eyes I'll tell ya." I chuckle bitterly as I take a long sip from my cup once more, allowing the warm liquid to comfort me as it spread across my tongue.

"Damn." Charlotte mutters turning to look at the kids as they screamed at each other and ran around playing tag.

Matthew of course had the brightest smile out of the three of them, but he still didn't utter a word as he ran away from Simon, being chased down to get tagged.

"Yeah, I know." I sigh as I lean back against the wooden bench and cross my ankles over each other, getting comfortable.

"You know Alice, I think I know what you need to take your mind off things." Charlotte mutters suggestively, and I frown as I look over at her.

"Really, what's that?" I ask curiously, and the sly grin that breaks out on her face makes me wish I had swallowed my tongue whole before asking.

"To get properly dicked down." She mutters suggestively wiggling her eyebrows at me and I scoff, a chuckle forcing its way out of my throat as I shake my head at the woman sitting next to me.

"Oh my God, Charlotte please..." I mutter in denial, and she lifts a hand halting my words as she shakes her head.

"No, I'm serious. You need a night out in the city, to party and have some fun, and then just end the night bouncing on a hard stiff dick." She mutters, shrugging her shoulders with a 'duh!' expression as if there was nothing else that could've been suggested to get me out of my pit of self despair.

"I don't have the time for sex right now." I mutter simply turning away from the woman sitting next to me, and gazes out over at the children.

They had turned they're attention to the slide, and were now going down it, one after the other.

Maxwell of course had not been left out of this exercise, and he was pinned between Matthew's lap as they both went down the slide together.

"And that's the problem, when was the last time you had sex?" Charlotte turns to me in concern, with a pitiful look on her face, causing me to groan out loud at her visible judgment.

"It's been a while." I mutter dryly, too embarrassed to admit that it had been nearly five years since I've had any real sex.

If it hadn't been for my sex toys, I wouldn't remember what an orgasm felt like.

The touch of a man had long since been lost to me, and I was too consumed with being a full-time parent and teacher that I hadn't had the time or energy to go dick hunting.

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