what does fuck means

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God jihyo added 17 people *
Bunny : wtf is this jihyo
Nojam: are u dumb wtf is this
Cub : unnie what does fuck means
Chichu: hi
Mandu: cub nothing it's a bad word don't say that okay
Cub : okay Jen unnie
Manobal ; hallo gays
God jihyo : I am not gay and this is a group chat of twicepinkvelvet
Seulbear : ok and wassup gays and hey Lisa
Evil maknae: shut up grandma
Joyful: oh ma godjihyo rosèèeeeeeeeee~
Chaesoo : oh ma gad hai bestie
Chichu: uh... Why is your username like that
Yoda : she likes you unnie
Chaesoo: what the fugde don't say that
God visual: hey guys
Wanda: hi every English speaker in this group
Pengu: hi everyone and hello there fellow English speaker
Chaesoo: oh yeah hiii guys

That's is for now

Bạn đã đọc hết các phần đã được đăng tải.

⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jan 01, 2023 ⏰

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