Chapter 5 - Yours Secretively,

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The whole school was in uproar as Gryffindor had triumphed in yet another Quidditch game. The defeat had been embarrassing for the Slytherins, and their head of house was stalking about the castle with a vengeance. With 15 minutes until curfew, Severus could do little other than warn the little miscreants to get to bed.

Strolling in the direction of Gryffindor tower, the cool spring air nipping at his alabaster skin, Severus heard a noise from one of the empty classrooms. He rolled his eyes at the poorly muffled moan and the awkward slapping of skin. Having encountered this sort of thing before, Severus made sure to stamp his feet and clear his throat obnoxiously loud before forcing the door open, sending it banging against the wall behind.

Apparently unaware of his attempts to frighten them into putting their clothes back on, the youngest Weasley boy and Miss Brown were caught in the act. Severus would need a strong drink to get the image from his mind. The pair tore apart. 

"Miss Brown, I do believe I have caught you in this situation before, although not with Mr Weasley." Severus delighted in the pure look of shock on the boy's face. He gave the boy a smirk that was pure evil. 

"You told me you were a virgin!" Ronald gawked at the Witch.

She gave a sickeningly sweet giggle. "Not now,  Won Won." She said motioning to Professor Snape.

Neither of them had bothered to put clothes on and Severus was concerned by their apparent lack of dignity. "You will both serve a months detention with Mr Filch. I'm sure it will give you enough time to discuss you previous sexual relations, Miss Brown."

Severus slammed the door a shut and stood out in the corridor, blinking furiously as if it would make him forget what he had seen. "If either of fail to get out here in the next 30 seconds, you will each be serving detention until the end of the school year."

There was a hurried rustle of clothing and both Miss Brown and Mr Weasley appeared in the corridor, red faced and panting. Severus wondered what an intelligent young woman like Granger saw in Ronald. His brains clearly resided within his lower appendage.

Severus sneered. "While I couldn't care less, the Headmistress would like me to remind you that if you are going to continue to engage in such elicit activities, I suggest that you both use protection."

Weasley gulped audibly.

"Go now, straight to your dormitories. Do not let me catch either of you again!" He growled causing the pair to scarper off.


Snape continued his rounds of the castle, the bell tower in the courtyard having chimed some thirty minutes prior signalling that the curfew had ended. He rounded a corner and came to a small spiral staircase, nearly kicking the young witch who was sat on the bottom step, sobbing into the sleeve of her school robes.

Her untamed bush of brown hair was unmistakable. Having taken a fright when the Professor had nearly plowed straight into her, Hermione now looked up at Severus with wide bloodshot eyes.

"Are you aware of the time, Miss Granger?" He asked, unable to help anger in his tone of voice.

She looked a little sheepish. "Yes Professor, I just couldn't bring myself to go back to the common rooms-"

Hermione gave a delicate sob and started crying again. She shielded her face from view with her hands, but Severus could still see her shoulders shaking. His heartstrings gave a minuscule tug. It was true that Severus cared very little for the personal problems of the student, even his Slytherins. But Miss Granger was normally so stoic that he found it very difficult indeed to treat her with the same acidity that he would another student.

Yours, Severus Snape.Where stories live. Discover now