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3rd person POV

"Hey Gads!" yelled lot as him and Fuchsia ran towards him. "H-hey guys." he stammered out taken by surprise when they jumped on him. "We have to go clean up more debris!" lot yelled and groaned, not happy about having to clean up "We were wondering if you wanted to come with us!" the other one yelled way more enthusiastic. 'well it could get my mind off of Infinite..' the wolf thought "Yeah, sure!" he said happily. "Great! come on. lets go!" The cat yelled. And they were off to Lost Vally.

Gadget POV

We got there in only 30 minuets! wow that sure was quick. Fuchsia was already cleaning the debris in another area of the zone, leaving us to clean elsewhere. Me and Lot where moving big chunks of debris when Lot stopped. "You good? Somethin wrong?" I asked worried. I then saw him put his chunk down and run into a building, i did the same and followed. I ran inside of the building and saw him standing next to a couple of Mobians, about 4. "Is everything alright?" I asked "NO! THAT STUPID SO CALLED 'HERO' WON'T GO AND FIND OUR BROTHER!" the short one in the front yelled, quickly burring his face in another chest fur. "May I ask who you are talking about?" Lot asked glancing over to me. "Sonic..." the tall one who was hold the short one in an embrace said. "Really? that don't sound like him... well how about we look for your friend!" Lot said having all four of them look at us. "Really?" The girl said "Yeah!" lot said 'seems like he's more excited about this then cleaning' I thought. " Could we get your names and a picture of the mission person?" I asked gentally, which the tall one nodded."My names Uno, this short one is Trois." The tall one said "Mines Quatre and Deux is the quiet one." The girl jackal, whos name is Quatre said. "Here's a picture of him when we where last together." Deux said and handed me photo. "His names Zero."Uno said. "Thanks!" said Lot taking it out of my hand"We'll find him! you can count on us!" He continued, he then grabbed me and ran out of the building. "Where do we start?" he asked me, the smarter one. "How about Central City?" I suggested and he nodded, so we headded there first.

Uno, Deux, Quatre and Trois

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