'please come back.. i miss you.'

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(This is the last chapter of "You were my enemy" there will be a second book with 2 alternate endings.)

America's POV
i woke up trying to grasp what was going on, my head was throbbing and i could hear this dripping sound, oh god am i dead?? i sat up slowly, every inch of my skin aching, i felt a burning sensation on my skin, my blurry sight managed to catch the glimpse of red marks on my legs, and it burn, so bad. After a while i was able to see more clearly, the room was small and smelt musty, almost like a basement, the walls had cracks and moss, while the ceiling was dripping, i was on some moldy mattress on the floor,"What the fuck." i heard the sound of a door unlocking and then, Mexico walked in,"America! Baby you're awake~" she purred walking directly towards me,"I have a proposal, if you want to keep your life, you will have to cooperate with me and accept it." she said harshly, which sent a chill down my spine,"You will date me, and live here with me, forever, tell absolutely nobody about this or i will kill you, and then afterwards, i will hunt your kids down, one, by, one." she said, cocking her head from side to side while she said that, my kids.. my kids no they are my world, i can't let anything hurt them, i love them.."fine, ill do whatever you want just please don't hurt my kids." she smiled gleefully,"Oh America!" she hugged me, i felt disgusted but returned the hug back hesitantly,"Yea.." i said with a shaky breath, knowing my life is just going to be a painful path of lies.


i was sitting in her living room, looking out the window. What i saw was unfortunate.. nothing but shadows and tall eerie trees surrounded the house, almost as if threatening me to not dare go out. i doubted there were any roads for miles near the house but i held out hope, my car keys my phone everything was stripped away from me, i doubted russia was even looking for me after what happened. "America, i brought you hot choco." she smiled bitterly while closing the window curtains, setting down a cup infront of me,"Im not thirsty, thank you-" She stared at me expectantly,"-Babe..." i said with a heavy heart, the way the word rolled off my tongue was unatural, almost as if something i gagged out to vomit,"Aw, alright love, it's time to sleep aren't you tired?" i looked down at the ground, she wanted me to sleep and if i refuse i'd prolly be in even more danger than i am now,"I-i am.." she nodded with a grin,"Let's go to sleep."

(russia pov)

Days turned to weeks, and weeks to months, since the day that america was reported missing. i looked at the crunching snow under my feet , In the fading light of a cold winter's day, i had set out on a quest that would define the course of my life. My heart heavy with purpose, i had ventured into the forest, in hopes of finding Mexico's house, seeking answers. Driven by my loyalty and a fierce determination to find America, I had followed the faintest of trails that led me to an old, small house nestled among the trees. The house stood isolated, its once vibrant paint now weathered and peeling. There was something unsettling about it. Despite the warning signs from the way it looked and how creepy it was, i pressed on, for the hope of reuniting with America and holding him in my arms again, outweighed any fear i felt.

As i approached the house, i noticed faint traces of life amid the neglect. Smoke curled from the chimney, and a soft melody wafted through the air. The house seemed paradoxical—deserted yet alive with activity. I cautiously approached the weathered door, **knock, knock** "Hello? Mexico!" i yelled out, there was some shuffling and a door slamming but soon enough she came to the door and she looked pissed,"What?" she said with a huff,"I was wondering if you knew anything about america that could help me find him." she looked around," come in it's cold isn't it?" she smiled softly, i nodded while walking inside cautiously,To my surprise, the interior of the house was nothing like the exterior. It was lively and colorful, like a scene from a fairy tale. Warm light bathed the walls adorned with paintings and tapestries. The aroma of a sumptuous meal beckoned from the kitchen, an eerie silence echoed through the corridors.

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