'accidents happen'

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ft. my best friends art on Dream.

Russia's POV

As we both sat down i uncovered the plates to reveal the frozen dessert that was place on each plate. i watched as a smile took over his face, with red hues starting to set onto his face, i grin softly,"You ready to eat?" i said slightly huffing while looking at him. He nodded triumphantly and began digging in. i stood up to go get the special gift i had got him,"Alright then ангел, hey im gonna grab something really fast from the car you okay?" he nodded and i stood up and skated towards the car happily knowing everything was going well,.,. until i abruptly stopped due to the cracking noises that were taking place under me,"Rus are you okay?" i heard america yell, i tried not to make him panic much,"да, just the ice cracking under me!" i said looking under me, seeing a few cracks here and there,"WHAT?!" america yelled standing up abruptly,"Stay there i got this!" i said glaring at him to sit down. He sat down obediently,"good boy!" i yelled out to lighten up the situation. i saw him blush but he still had a face of concern,"Dont worry i got this!" i said while slowly waddling away from the cracks,"See! all good!" i said reaching the car,"Ok! but how am i gonna get out now? i can barely skate!!" i cackled,"You're light enough Da? youll be fine america!" i sat down on the ground,"Can you bring me my dessert?" i said with a smirk,"I can try!" he said while finishing up his food,"Alright! be save ill wait!" i smiled,"Wait what about the other stuf-" "Dont worry about it!" i grinned,"alright!!"

Ame's POV
i Stood up carefully with russia's plate as i slowly slid across the ice,"Uh, im not sure about this" i yelled out to russia as he just smirked. i began skating slowly bit steadily, step..,Step..,Step..,crack. Uh-oh. that's not sounding good,"Uh, the-" i fell through the ice while i heard russia screaming out, as the cold hit my body i began blacking out.

"FUCKING UNITED STATES OF AMERICA WAKE UP!" i got up and gasped for air, the cold air burning my throat and hitting my skin instantly making me ache in pain,"Fuck." i said as russia just held me in his arms,"i-i will get you home, you'll be okay." he kissed the top of my head, i looked up at him, his face was purple-ish and puffy. i nodded and he picked me up and carried me into the truck,"Ill turn on the heater. Let's get you home." i sat down as he passed me his jacket,"Strip. If you stay in that then you'll definitely get sick." i nodded and just took off my clothes, i put on his jacket and placed the wet clothes on the ground of the truck.

An hour passed by and we finally arrived at my house, he then walked me to my doorstepped and apologized before leaving. this was not the best date i had but also not the worst i guess.......

[Sat june 17 at 6:46AM] im so sorry!! ill try my best to stay motivated!!! 500+ words

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