Chapter 16 The Love

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Hannah woke up to her alarm going off, she groaned and pressed the stop button. She then sat up and rubbed the tired out of her eyes before opening her window's curtains. The sunlight hit her face blinding her for a while till her eye's adjusted to the light.

"Ah what a nice morning, but I would've preferred to sleep in, but I gotta get going. I wanna see what the day has planned for me," Hannah said before getting up and getting dressed. She then looked at her calendar, and her eyes widened when she saw the date.

"OMG It's my birthday! Ah! With all the Rainbow Squad events along with the rest of the commotion in my life currently, I almost forgot about it!" Hannah exclaimed.

She then grabbed onto her back pack and raced out of her room, and to the stairs. However she tripped on herself and came tumbling down the stairs. When she reached the bottom she groaned in pain and rubbed her back and bum as they were stinging.

"Owowow! Ugh not the most efficient way to get down the stairs," Hannah said, rubbing her head as well.

She then got back up on her feet and went into the kitchen. She expected to see her family waiting for her down, but she didn't see anyone. Hannah was confused by this as she thought her family would be waiting for her to come down and surprise her with her favorite breakfast, which was buttermilk pancakes. She looked around for them, and she soon found a note on the kitchen table.

She picked it up and read it aloud "Dear Hannah, your father got called into the office so he had to rush there. I also got a call from your aunt and she needs my help so won't be home for a while, Love you, from mom."

When Hannah finished reading the note she got really upset as her parents had to leave her on her birthday, and her mom didn't even say happy birthday on the note she left.

"Did they forget? No that's not possible they must've been in a rush... but wait where are my brother and sister? They didn't forget, did they? No, they must be out getting some last minute presents for me," Hannah reassured herself.

She then grabbed her favorite jacket off the coat rack, put it on, and went outside to enjoy a wonderful birthday. Thankfully she didn't have school that day. As luck would have it, her birthday landed on a Saturday so she was free for the whole day. She walked around the city and saw that many shops seemed to have some new items in them.

"I wonder what's going on?" Hannah asked herself. She went up to the local sweet shop and looked in the window and saw that there were Rainbow squad themed lollipops in the window sale.

"Wow, what's this?" Hannah asked.

"Hey miss Hannah, how are you doing on this lovely day?" Hannah heard someone ask. She looked over and saw the store's owner Mr. Smith came out of his shop with some samples of his candies.

"Oh hey, not much. Just out for a walk, and I saw your new candies of the Rainbow Squads, they look amazing," Hannah said.

"Thanks kiddo, I worked hard to make them look, and taste good," Mr. Smith said.

"Um hey, Mr. Smith today is my birthday and I was wondering if..." Hannah was about to ask but Mr. Smith stopped her.

"Say no more kiddo, I'm starting a new work ethic that kids under the age of eighteen can get about five bits of candy out of my store on their birthday," Mr. Smith explained.

"Really? Awesome!" Hannah said.

"Yes but as long as the item you choose is within the five to ten dollar price limit. After all, I'm running a business here so I have my limits so I can still make money to keep this place running, have a roof over my head, and food to eat," Mr. Smith explained.

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