Chapter 8-Aftershock

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Peter heard the heart monitor, but it was beating quickly. He still felt the electricity, the pain. It was like he was still sticking to the side of the core. The speed of his heart must have woken Tony, Steve and Bruce because he could hear their rushed footsteps and someone's hand on his shoulder.

"Kid?" Tony said, the worry clear in his tone. Peter wanted to respond, but instead he only winced in pain, his expression contorting to show his agony. He needed to get a hold of himself, he needed to talk to Steve to stop the explosion. "Bruce, what's happening?"

"Is he okay?" Steve asked and Peter groaned again, his muscles tense. He tried to move past it. He had to.

"I don't know," Bruce said. "Peter are you in pain?" This was a question Peter could answer. Peter nodded his head and instantly felt Tony' grip on his shoulder tighten.

"Hang on kid," Steve said, worried.

"Peter, I'm going to sedate-"

"NO!" Peter forced out, surprising Bruce, Tony and Steve. "You can't." Peter's pain was beginning to diminish and it was becoming easier for him to focus. Everything still hurt though. "Please." Peter half pleaded, half coughed. Bruce turned up the oxygen coming through the mask, which peter was still gald

"Okay, just breathe Peter," Steve tried to help. He hated seeing the young hero in pain.

"Hang in there." Tony wanted to see Peter rest peacefully again but after a few more deep breaths Peter calmed down and the pain began to disappear from his expression.

"Peter, where does it hurt?" Bruce asked, now that Peter seemed to be able to answer.

"I'm okay," Peter breathed out.

"Clearly not! Now tell us where it hurts, kid!" Tony snaps, but Peter knows his harsh tone is born from fear and genuine concern. The three older Avengers exchanged looks, hoping Peter wouldn't say that he was alright again.

"Mr Stark, please listen, something is wrong," Peter started to sit up and Steve and Tony were both ready for him to fall. "I've been reliving this day and before you say I'm crazy or try to sedate me," Peter took a breath and whispered what Cap had told him into the current timeline Cap's ear. Steve immediately looked shocked, but Peter continued to explain outloud. "The bullet was laced with some sort of pym particle solution and now I'm trapped in a time loop." Tony shook his head, mostly worried for Peter's sanity, but then he looked at Steve.

"Tony, there is no way he could have known what he just told me. I think the kid's telling the truth." Steve backed Peter up and Peter gave a weak smile. Another jolt of pain shot through him and he fell back onto the cot. Peter didn't know how long he would feel the effects of the past timeline, but he hoped it wouldn't last too long.

"Kid?" Tony began to worry again.

"I'm going to get the others." Steve decided and ran to grab the other Avengers, he knew something weird was going on.

"Peter, what's going on?" Bruce asked, still not understanding exactly why Peter was in pain.

"Effects from the past timeline," Peter groaned and Tony became confused.

"What happened in the last timeline?" He demanded. Peter was about to explain, but then Clint, Nat, Vision, Wanda and Steve came into the room.

"What's going on?" Nat doesn't hesitate to get answers.

"Is Peter alright?" Clint asks.

"He's in pain," Tony informed, he was so bothered by that small fact that Peter couldn't help but smile a little.

"But he says that he's stuck in a time loop and that we can't sedate him." Bruce continues the explanation. Peter felt the pain fade even more than before and he sat up again.

"I'm alright, but Mr Stark, you have to go get Scott, he can confirm what I'm saying about the time loop." Peter said. Tony looked, he didn't want to leave Peter's side.

"I can go fetch Mr Lang, if you'd like?" Vision offered.

"Yes, thank you Vision." Tony smiled a little as Wanda kissed Vision's cheek before he phased through the floor.

"What exactly is going on Peter?"

"The bullet was laced with something that's caused me to relive this day five times, this is the fifth time I've woken up on this day." Peter begins to explain. "Look I don't have time to explain this, in the last loop you told me that you have a sister named Yelena, how would I know that Nat?" Everyone turned to Natasha, who looked surprised.

"Clint, did you know?" Tony asked.

"I knew she lost a sister to the red room, but you never told me her name," Clint said, looking to Natasha.

"Okay, Peter. Tell us about this time loop," Nat moved past the reveal with ease. "Have we already had this conversation?"


"Only once? What happened the other three times?" Steve asked.

"The first time I didn't know the day would reset, the second time I still wasn't sure what was a hopeful dream and what was reality,"

"Hopeful reality?" Clint crossed his arms, there was more to that choice of words.

"The first time, when I still thought it was a normal day, a fight broke out and you made me stay here. Then at about 6:04pm the building you were fighting by exploded and it killed all of you and thousands of other citizens." Peter was trying to act mature, but he still teared up again. "Even my friends died, you were all gone." There was a pause, the older avengers exchanged looks and then Tony hugged Peter. Gently, because he was still worried about hurting him.

"Peter..." Wanda walked over to her friend and hugged him as well. Peter cried for a moment, but he knew he didn't have time for this not again.

"We have to stop the explosion. I think I managed to stop it last time but the electricity radiating off the core killed me, if we-"

"You died!" Tony screamed and Peter groaned. "What the hell-"

"Happened. I know." Peter cut off his mentor. "You already reacted like this the last time." Tony gave Peter a serious look.

"Wait, if I reacted like this before..." Tony looked at Cap and then back at Peter. "You've died more than once?"

"Okay, the second time I realized what was happening and I went to try and warn you which ended with me getting caught in the blast. Then I woke up freaking out from the effects of that explosion and you sedated me. Then I woke up, warned you and tried to shut down the core, but I'm not 100% sure if it worked."

"This time we have to go earlier, like now, we have to shut down the core because I don't know how many times the day will reset, I don't know how many chances we'll have left. Please Mr Stark, we have to go."

"Are you still in pain?" Bruce asked an essential question. Peter wanted to lie, because he was still hurting, he was just better than before.

"I'm fine-"

"Kid, don't dare you lie to me!" Tony threatened and Peter sighed.

"It's not as bad now," Peter admitted and Steve took charge.

"Okay, tell us where it is in the building and we'll go there now. Bruce, wait for Vision and Scott, then figure out how to stop the time loops or how many chances we have," Steve ordered. Everyone nodded and began to move. Peter wanted to help but he listened and stayed in bed. He hoped everything would work out this time. 

Perhaps this is dragging on too long... it'll keep going for a while still, sorry. Thanks for reading. 

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