Chapter 7-An Avenger Too

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"Okay, Peter. We're all here." Tony was trying to act calm but he looked at Peter with concern. All the Avengers were in Bruce's lab, most looked worried. Peter knew that Tony hadn't explained anything and so his colleagues were probably thinking that the had to do with his health and in a way it did.

"What's going on?" Steve broke the tension in the room. "Is something wrong?" Peter wrung his hands nervously. He knew they'd believe him, he had Scott theory to back him up, but what he was about to say still seemed crazy.

"This isn't the first time I've lived this day." Peter blurted out. Steve's brow furrowed but before he could ask any questions, the youngest Avenger continued. "After I was shot it felt like time was glitching around me. Now I know why, it seems as though the bullet was laced with some type of time manipulating serum. Since I got shot I have woken up at 9:30am on this day four times."

"So you're saying we've already had this conversation?" Natasha asked and Peter smiled.

"No, not exactly." Peter admitted. "I haven't made it this far before."

"What do you mean by that, has something happened that has interfered with you telling us your situation?" Vision asked.

"Well the first time I didn't know I'd get a second chance. The second day I died and-" Peter begins to explain.

"You died!" Tony interrupted. "What the hell happened Peter?"

"Tony let the kid finish." Steve cut in. He wanted to know what happened too, but he felt that Peter was slowly making his way to answer for a reason. "What happened the third time?"

"Funny story actually, you guys, uh-" Peter gave an awkward chuckle. "You, Bruce and Tony sedated me." The three accused looked at each other. "I understand why I was a little panicked." Peter tried to give their actions a sound reason. There was a long pause, Peter was unsure how to drop the big issue, the explosion.

"So you need our help to break the loop or are you trying to stop your death?" Wanda asked. Tony tensed thinking about Peter dying.

"We'll eventually have to break the loop but first there's a bigger problem than just my death." Peter said, looking at the floor. Even though he had more chances to change the outcome of the day, he couldn't forget how painful it was to have them all die.

"A bigger problem?" Clint repeated.

"At about 6:05pm there will be a large explosion that kills about a thousand people." Peter sighs and he could feel the atmosphere in the room change. "The first day, you went to try and take down the guys who shot me but then the building exploded and about a thousand people died, including all of you and some of my friends." Tears began to streak Peter's cheeks. "I didn't know things would reset and you were just all gone. I was the only one left and I just kept digging through the rumble and finding no survivors. You were all dead, and then while I was talking to the press I blacked out. It was about the same time I'd been shot the night before and that's when I woke up again." Peter was trying not to cry but Tony still went over and hugged the kid. That was enough for Peter to break down more. "I'm sorry Mr Stark. When time reset, I couldn't save any of you. I just- I died with you."

"Oh, kid." Tony sighed, squeezing Peter tighter. "It's not your fault." Tony knew next to nothing about the details of the situation but he wanted to make Peter feel better.

"I had to watch you die, before that explosion got me, I saw you-" Peter stopped and Steve looked sadly at the young teenager.

"It's hard to lose friends, especially in front of you." Steve thinks back to his time during the war. Peter began to calm down.

One Day at a Time-Avengers/Spider-ManWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu