Scream is one of my favorite movies, so I'm a little shocked to see him wearing it. I think it's kind of funny when we have things in common, seeing as though he acts like all of my opinions are totally invalid.

"Ah, I see you two picked the most basic costumes you could find," he mocks Cass, and me in a condescending tone. I roll my eyes at his statement.

God, he's such a dick.

"Says the guy wearing a Scream mask," I mutter, shooting him a glare. He grimaces, clearly not expecting me to respond. I giggle to myself as the rest of the group laughs.

Harry stands up a little straighter, pushing his hair back with his hand, and looks away from me. For once, he doesn't have a snarky comeback. He almost seems embarrassed.

I don't know if it's the shot I took a few minutes ago, or the reaction I got out of him, but I feel my confidence grow slightly.

"She's right, I really don't think you're one to talk," Louis laughs. I look back at Harry to see him clenching his jaw, he looks agitated with all the attention on him.

"Will you all shut up and show me where the drinks are?" Harry snaps, causing me to flinch at the volume of his voice. He smirks at my reaction, and I quickly look down at my feet to avoid his gaze.

Louis chuckles, and shakes his head as he walks back towards the kitchen with all of us following in tow. I'm definitely going to need some more alcohol in me to deal with this asshole. I want to have fun tonight, and I'm not about to let him ruin it.

I feel an arm around my shoulder, and look to see Niall next to me with his other arm wrapped around Cassandra. "Don't worry, he'll be a little more tolerable once we get him drunk," he assures me. I nod and force a small smile.

I sure hope that's true.

"Shots!" Cass shouts, grabbing the bottle of tequila off the counter. She sloppily pours the liquor into seven shot glasses. Elijah and Lucas are still standing in the kitchen where we left them, so she hands them both a glass. "Cheers!"

The familiar burning sensation returns as the tequila runs over my tongue. This time, I relish in the warm feeling. My cheeks heat up, and I let out a lazy giggle as I take the tight mask off of my face.

"What are you laughing at?" Cass asks with an amused look on her face.

I shake my hair out to fix the frizzy mess the mask created. "Nothing," I shrug. "I'm just feeling good."

"Do you wanna dance?" She happily suggests.

Normally, I would be totally against the idea, but the buzz I'm feeling makes me a lot more open-minded. "One more shot," I compromise. "Then we can dance."

Cass squeals with excitement and wraps her arms around my neck. "God, I love drunk Katie," she gushes.

I roll my eyes, and laugh while I pour out seven more shots.

"I'm good, thanks," Harry monotones, pushing the small glass away from him.

"Oh come on," I tease, tilting my head to the side. "Are you scared?"

He lifts his head up to look at me with furrowed brows. His stare is always impossible to pull away from. I feel his intense green eyes drawing me in, and for a second I lose focus on everything else around me while I wait for him to respond.

I'm brought back to reality when a cocky smile creeps onto his lips, and he takes the shot without warning. I feel my heart rate quicken as he walks up to me, and leans down to whisper in my ear. "Not even close, princess."

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