Chapter 7-An Avenger Too

Start from the beginning

"What do we do Mr Stark?" Peter asked.

"Do you know what caused the explosion?" Natasha asked. She wanted Peter to have time to cry but he would have time for that after this day was finished, really finished.

"No. If I'm being honest, I didn't know if the second time was real or not." Peter was embarrassed that he couldn't figure out what was real. "When I saw the smoke again, I tried to get your attention but it was too late." Nat nodded.

"It's okay Peter, a time loop is a new situation so it's understandable that you questioned what was reality." Nat tried to comfort Peter.

"So what do we do?" Wanda asked the group.

Everyone was suited up and standing by the Avenge-jet. They'd come up with a risky plan. Peter was going to let this day reset. But they first had to break into the building that was the origin of the explosion. They had to find out the cause and how to stop it. Wanda, Vision, Steve and Clint would fight outside while Tony, Natasha, Bruce, Scott, and Peter would focus on the building. Any minute they'd get a call summoning them to the location. Peter was nervous, even though they planned to reset the day, he would still have to explain and convince everyone all over again. Suddenly Steve put a hand on Peter's shoulder.

"It's going to be okay." Steve broke the silence that had settled. Everyone knew they were going on a suicide mission, but they trusted Peter and therefore believed that everything would reset. Them doing this showed their trust in Peter.

"I know, it's just-" Peter didn't want to complain, but he was worried about the reset. "It took a while to get Scott over and I don't know how much more time resets we have."

"Steve, I think Peter's concerns are valid. Eventually the day will stop resetting." Bruce points out. "Then whatever happens is set in stone." Peter paled as he considered what this matched with failure could mean.

"You can do this kid." Tony smiled at Peter sincerely.

"Yeah, we all believe in you," Clint adds, and the rest of the Avengers nodded. Then everyone filed onto the AvengeJet and Peter watched them board. Finally he was the only one left and he reluctantly followed. 

They landed and their enemies ran from the building. Peter ran inside his team behind him. Once they were inside they were confronted by another tech-enhanced individual. Bruce transformed into the Hulk and while Tony and Natasha started to fire. Scott shrunk down and jumped onto Peter's shoulder. He wanted to join the fight but Tony and Nat told him to keep going so he did. Steve's team was having some trouble too, so Bruce had to give them back up as the Hulk, it only made Peter more worried about his family. Still, Peter kept making his way through the facility trying to find the source of the explosion. As Peter searched, he listened to the coms. Things were going bad outside, everyone was still alive but even though Peter knew they all expected for the timeline to reset, he was still worried.

"Kid, have you found it yet?" Tony asked over the coms.

"No net yet," Peter replied as he turned a corner, a little distracted. "I'm start-" Peter was cut off as an energy blast sent him flying into a wall. He cried out in pain and it was heard over the coms. Scott was able to jump off Peter's shoulder before he was attacked and he engaged the man with the energy weapon.

"Queens, are you okay?" Steve jumped in. Peter wanted to respond, but he could hardly catch his breath. His chest hurt and he struggled to get a deep breath.

"Peter!?" Tony shouted through the coms, even though he knew how the day might have to end, he didn't want Peter hurt. "Kid?"

"I'm alright?" Peter strained, still catching his breath. He was hurt and sore, but he knew he could keep going, he'd been through worse and he had to find the explosion's cause. "Just a little winded, Mr Stark."

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