"So, do you plan on helping us for the exams, Y/n?" Irana asked, almost begging. I knew she wasn't that good in school, and I didn't find any reason why I should not help her.

"Sure! Why not? Tooru, Ena, you're helping though"

"Yes, ma'am" Ena dramatically agreed, bowing.

"And it'll be a pleasure to come help" Tooru added.

"Good, then it's settled. Come to my house this weekend. Since the exams are next week, it'll be perfect for you. Does anyone object?"

They all, aggressively, shook their head from right to left, showing me no one objected.

"Good! I'll tell Sao, too"


The rest of the week felt like an eternity and finally, Saturday came. We agreed on doing the studying on Saturday and Sunday, because Hajime and Irana really needed help and they were both convinced they would need more time than just one day. So here we were, sitting on my bed, waiting for Sao, Hajime and Tooru.

"So... this is the room where a lot happened between Oikawa and you. Mmmh... I'm wondering, Y/n, what did happen in this room?" Irana started teasing me.

"I still have my virginity, if that's what you're asking."

She sighed in disappointed.

"What?" I asked.

"No, nothing, just teasing you" She confessed with a big smile on her face.

Silence. It was not awkward, but it made me sad. Because I realized how much happened in this room with the guy I love. I wish everything could go back to the way it was. Well, you would guessed it. Tears started falling on my cheeks. They were silent, until Ena saw them.

"Y/n, are you okay?" She then worried.

Irana, who was on her phone, looked up, as worried as Ena, and came near me, closing her phone. She took my hands in hers. Ena approached me too, and placed herself beside Irana.

I didn't look up.

"You were right. A lot did happen in this room. And just remembering it made me emotional. We spent so much good time together. We practically fell in love in this room. He helped me when I was at my worst. I just wished our relation was like it was."

Ena took her hand to my left cheek and Irana took hers to my right cheek. They wiped the tears gently, then kept their hand on my face, lifting my head up, still wiping the tears that were falling.

"No need to worry about that. I'm sure it will all go back to what it was." Irana whispered with a calming voice.

"But if he finds someone better."

"He will not. You do not have seen how he looks at you or how he talks to you. That boy is not gonna give up on you." Ena assured me. "Didn't you tell us you were getting to know each other better?"


"And we keep telling you, you two are like soulmates!" Ena exclaimed.

Yeah. Looks like what Sao and Hajime keep telling me. Fun fact, it came to their mouth by its own. Sao and Hajime have not talked to them about it. Ena and Irana seemed pretty convincing when I accused them of picking that line from them. Irana said : " If those two can think of it, I'm pretty sure we can too."

"Thanks, girls." I sighed.

"Now, stop showing that unhappy face and be happy!" Irana started tickling me and Ena joined her.

"I'll always wait for you" (Oikawa x Fem!reader) Sequel to "My First Love"Where stories live. Discover now