Taking her scarf off, she tossed it onto the bed then headed to her bedside table and took the blade that held her hair up out and place it down delicately, like it was made out of glass. Her daggers were like her sacred gold items that, in her mind, were priceless and had some interesting names. Naming her blades was a must, she got attachments with her daggers through names.

Her first ever dagger she named 'Her Wraith' hence the alias.

She then as delicately as the last, took out the majority of her daggers and put them perfects next to it's sisters.

All that was left was the one in her boot.

That's when she heard the floor boards creek.

And no, this one didn't come from the floor above, or the hallway just outside. No. She had memorised every part of her room, every sound the draws made, how the chair by her desk scrapped on the wood when pushed out. How the window and door screeched when opened.

No, this creek. This creek came from just at the bottom of her bed, the one she was stood right next too. On the left side.

This creek came from the third floorboard away from the headboard at the bottom of her bed.

This would normally provoke an action from Inej, but her paranoia sunk into her bones at the sound. It made her stiff and still, like a statue. She couldn't move, she didn't want to move. She didn't want to see who waited for her, even when she knew exactly who did.

"Inej Ghafa" a female voice, Inej didn't know what she expected. She wasn't surprised what gendered voice spoke to her, she was more surprised they actually spoke to her.

"Sixteen years old, menagerie worker, one of Heleens puppets. Well, not so much anymore. 5 months ago, a man named Kaz Brekker began to buy you out of the business, just to put you in another. Always a puppet eh?" The voice began to list off, Inej noted the taunting in the words that were spoke.

Plucking up the courage she turned slowly. She saw that the person was completely cloaked, head to toe in a dark maroon red cloak, a black mask and chunky black boots.

'How did I not hear them?'

Only their eyes showed though, eyes so dark they looked black. Small Greg ment a of pale white skin peeking through the black paint that covered to place she was exposed.

(Ngl, Buckys beautiful eyeshadow fails gave me this inspiration)

Inej could tell from her observation the person was female. But she made no move to assume anything. Anything was possible in Ketterdam.

"So tell me, puppet. Did he tell you to steal from me?" Without being able to see the persons lips, Inej could practically imagine the emotionless smirk that grew on their lips.

Inej registered the words carefully before giving her head a shake. No. For once, Kaz didn't tell her what house to go to. No wonder she had gotten herself in deep shit.

"What? Cat got your tongue? Any last words you want to speak. I'm sure you have a beautiful voice to match the equally pretty face" Leo grinned from under her mask, even in a matter of life and death she still managed to drag a blush to the girls cheeks.

Deadly Little Leo - Inej GhafaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora