I dialed 911, one hand over my mouth as it rang, swallowing down the bile that threatened to come up, and I couldn't stop myself from gagging.

“911 what is your emergency?” I heard Megan's voice.

“M-Megan-” I started, but I ended up stopping with a stutter. I'm so freaked out right now that my mind can't come up with anything else to say.

“Avery? Avery, that's you?” Megan asked, worry filling her tone.

“Yes. Yes. I need the cops to come to my house. I got, I got something. It's a package. Megan, it has hair in it and blood. Someone's blood is sitting on my kitchen floor.” I ended with a cry, feeling tears falling from my eyes.

“Hair?” She asked, surprised, before cleaning her voice, getting back to business.” I'm sending a squad car to you right now, Avery. Do you need me to stay on the line? Are you in danger?” She added in a rush.

“No I don't think, so I'm just so freaked out.” I whimpered as I walked back into my kitchen, eyes staying on the box.

“Call back if you need. I don't mind staying on the phone with you.” She whispered.

“No. It's okay. I'm not in danger. My doors are locked. Others may have a more pressing emergency than I do. I'll be fine. Promise.” The lie slipped past my lips before I hung up on her.

With shaking hands, I bent over, picked up the box, careful not to get any blood on me, and sat it next to the hair on my counter. It's evidence. Evidence that the cops will demand when they get here.

I stare at the box a minute longer, thinking that I'm going to need to bleach my entire kitchen now. It feels dirty.

What felt like hours later, I hear a knock on my door. I tossed the towel I was cleaning with on the floor before hearing towards my front door?

“Avery? Avery, opens the door” I heard Cedric's frantic voice calling to me.

Hearing his voice, it made something settle inside me. I had been so scared that finally, having him here, I felt safe again.

I practically ran towards the door and swung in open to reveal Cedric and Lucas standing in front of me. Cedric looking worried.

"Cedric" I whispered his name, feeling my body shaking uncontrollably as my frightened eyes landed on his.

"Heard your address over the radio" He whispered as he ran his eyes over my body. It wasn't how it did eailer today. This was different. He was checking me for injuries. Making sure I was okay. “What happened? Are you hurt? The call said you got a package?” Cedric asked, bringing his hand up to wipe the tears off my cheeks as he stared down at me.

“Blood and hair?” Lucas urged, all business.

“I'm fine. I received a package. After you left, I noticed it next to my door. I opened it, but it was another box inside. I didn't feel like opening more, so I left it on the counter last night before going out to the bar. I didn't open it until I got home today.” I rushed out, explaining everything before adding. “It had hair and blood. Hair and fucking blood” I screeched, panicking once more.

“Okay, okay. You are okay Avery. It's okay. I'm here. You're safe. You are okay.” Cedric kept repeating as those tears refused to stop falling.

Who would send me something like that?

“Show us” Ordered Lucas.

I nodded, and pulled myself out of Cedric's arms and headed towards the kitchen. “It's in the kitchen” I muttered.

Once in my kitchen, I stayed by the door, and pointed towards the box. “There. On the counter.” I murmured, grabbing onto the door frame as I watched both men head towards the bloody box.

They both pulled out a pair of gloves before Cedric picked up the box, and Lucas picked up the hair.

“It's blood,” Cedric growled as he looked into the box.

“It's the same hair color as the missing woman.” Lucas muttered softly, and angrily. I don't think he meant for me to hear him, but I did.

That's her hair? I felt my knees growing weak as I allowed my body to slide down againt the door frame as I kept my eyes on the two men.

“Someone sent me that woman's hair?”I asked, horrified.

Cedric shot Lucas a pissed off look before looking at me. “We don't know that yet-” He started to say, but I had been so close to losing my mind, holding on to my sanity, but it was coming. It was crashing down.

“Someone sent me hair? With blood? It has to be that woman's right? Who's else could they belong to? What the fuck is this? Who did this? The person's sick and needs to be in jail. Oh, god. I need to go. I'm not safe. I told you someone was in my home-” I ended with a loud cry as I covered my eyes with my hands.

Cedric was next to me the next moment, his long legs eating up the space between us.

“Avery. Listen to me. You are safe-”

“No I'm not! You didn't believe me. I told you and you didn't believe me. Now I'm getting hair and blood sent to me!" I wailed and threw a hand out to push him away from me.

“You are fucking safe.” He growled before pulling me into his arms, landing on his knees beside me.

If I wasn't so scared and freaked out right now, I'd have thought that was so sweet of him.

“I'm not Cedric. Whoever this person is, they know where I live. They could come hurt me. They could come tonight. I need to fucking go.” I cried, trying to pull myself away from him, so I could go pack a bag.

“You are not going anywhere.” He snarled before tightening his arms around my abdomen.

“Yes I am-”

“No. You're fucking staying here. You are not leaving Avery-”

“But I'm not safe-”

“You fucking are. I will make sure that you're safe. Fucking believe me, okay? You're safe. I will protect you baby” He whispered before bringing his mouth to my forehead and kissed it.

He is right.

Dammit, I need to calm down. I'm not some weak little girl. I'm a grown woman. Not only that, but I have dealt with enough hard shit throughout my life that I can handle this.

But what is this?

I had so many questions, but no answers for them.

My Man Series #1- My PolicemanWhere stories live. Discover now