Chapter 9

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Marla wiped tears from her eyes as she finally managed to calm herself down from her laughing fit. I felt a sense of dread crawling up my spine and the immediate need to get out of that building was nearly all-consuming. Marla's voice broke into my panic.

"I'm sorry sugar, I didn't mean to laugh, but your reaction was just too funny." Marla breathed

I watched her warily, unsure what to do, frozen in place.

"I s'pose Trevor didn't tell ya much about me then," Marla said sobering

I shook my head, truth be told I didn't know much other than Trevor called her to get me this interview.

"Look Delilah, I've made some questionable choices in life - I even worked as a stripper for a time myself. Doin' that job doesn't have to define ya. Trevor has every confidence that you are what I need here, and I trust him. Hell, I can already tell just by the way ya carry yourself and the fact that ya needed to be honest with me that you'll be a great asset to this place. Kay?" Marla said

I nodded, fighting to keep my misty eyes from spilling down my cheeks.

"Now, how about you show me a little somethin'? Then we can talk more about your future here." Marla continued

She let me get settled and take my place, then she turned on the music and let me do my thing. I gave it everything I had, remembering every correction any teacher had ever given me and putting my heart into the piece. I just hoped it would be enough.

When I finished, to my surprise, Marla stood and clapped. I looked at her in shock.

"Darlin' don't look so surprised! You were fantastic! I'd love to have ya on." she said smiling

"Yes! Thank you, I'd love to." I said elated, a bright smile on my face

She pulled me into a bear hug, and when we pulled apart she walked me back out to the reception area.

"I'll send all the details to ya to look over, then once ya sign we'll figure out what your schedule will look like in greater detail, alright?" Marla said as I was going to leave

"Absolutely." I nodded walking away with a smile

"Oh, Delilah," Marla said, and I turned about having just reached the door

"I was even thinkin' of addin' pole dancing to the adult classes roster. I was plannin' on teachin' it, but I could always use some fresh ideas." Marla said with a wink

I smiled at her, "I'd love to help you out with that."

As a got back into the car, I couldn't help but smile. I'd gotten a job! My dream job, really. And the first person I wanted to tell and celebrate with was Trevor.


I couldn't focus for shit I was so worried about Delilah. It wasn't that I thought she wouldn't get the job, because I knew she was aces. It was more that I knew she was upset and anxious and I couldn't be there to hold her and tell her it would all turn out alright.

"Axe! Hey, asshole!" I heard Blaze yell, snapping me out of my funk

"Yeah?" I said, already ready to deck him

Blaze was younger than a lot of us, only did a brief stint in the army, reckless but good at his job, and irritating to boot. He always had a bug up his ass about something.

"Why'd you quote Manelli? I told you I'd handle him," he said as he got closer to me

"You weren't here asshat," I answered

It was true. When old man Manelli came through looking for him, asking questions about customizing his hog, he wasn't anywhere to be found.

"What did you want me to do? Turn him away?" I continued

"I told you I would handle it," he said, getting in my face

"What crawled up your ass today?" I asked calmly as I could

"Your mom," he replied, shoving me

"Real mature," I said rolling my eyes and barely restraining my anger

"Hey we can't all be lucky enough to find an easy piece of ass like you Axe." he sneered

I seriously had no idea what his fucking problem was today, no way he was that upset about Manelli, he was looking for a fight. "Watch your fucking mouth." I gritted out, squeezing my hands into fists

"Or what Axe? Not like you even claimed the chick. Say, when you're done mind if I take a turn?" he laughed

I snapped, surging forward and laying him flat on his ass. It took several of my brothers to pry me off of the kid. I usually have better control over my temper but his direct disrespect for Delilah coupled with my heightened nerves was an explosive combination.

"What the fuck is wrong with you kid?" Trigger, another brother, asked Blaze, "You never talk about a woman like that, especially not about Axe's woman."

"Axe's woman?" a quiet voice said from just beyond the garage bay, my head whipped around at the sound knowing exactly who it was immediately.

I stood and strode over to where Delilah was standing with the most adorable confused look on her face, anger completely dissipated. But when she looked up at me with those beautiful eyes my heart cracked a little at the sadness there.

"Baby, what's wrong?" I asked getting closer to her

"Axe's woman? You're Axe," she said in an accusatory tone, leaning away from me

"Yeah," I said

"You have a woman?" her voice cracked a bit at the end, and that's what made the pieces of the puzzle snap together in my brain. She thought I had someone else.

"Yeah baby, I do have a woman." I said, watching her face fall, "You."

Her eyes quickly snapped to mine, and I watched some comprehension cross her face. And then I was gifted with the most blinding and beautiful smile ever bestowed upon me. I couldn't wait any longer then, and I reached out and pulled her into a tight hug, needing her body against mine. After a few minutes, someone behind me cleared their throat breaking the spell.

"Not that I'm not thrilled to see you - you can stop by here any time you want - but what are you doin' here?" I asked her

"I had some news I wanted to share and I didn't want to wait for you to get home." she said quietly and my heart squeezed when she said home, "But I just realized that I have a cell phone now, so I probably should have just called."

"Nonsense." I said waggling my eyebrows, "I take it that means Marla loved you as much as I told you she would...?"

"Yes. I got the job!" she said jumping into my arms and throwing her arms around my neck

Staring down into her eyes I couldn't help myself, a man only has so much restraint, I leaned forward and kissed her.

I died and went to heaven.

The moment our lips met it was as though everything in my life had led me to this moment, led me to her. Her lips were so soft and inviting, yet firm. The kiss was soft and sweet with an urgent edge, exactly like her. It was like coming home and I lost myself in the feel of her lips against mine.

Behind me, someone coughed and I broke away from her to turn and glare at the guys. Delilah giggled, stepping back from me. I instantly missed her warmth, the feel of her body pressed against mine. It was just as well though since I didn't want our first time to be at the garage. And if any of my brothers saw her that way, I'd have to kill them.

"Let's go home." I said to her, placing a kiss on the back of her knuckles, "I have a surprise for you when we get there."

She smiled brightly at me, "Okay. Let's go home."

Later once we were home, I surprised her with a Zagnut bar as a celebratory treat. She cried and thanked me. We ended up falling asleep on the couch, cuddled together. It was the best night of my life to date, and I wanted many, many more with her.

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