Chapter 3

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"Excuse me!?" I felt my blood pressure rising, "I am not a whore! I'm not going anywhere with you!"

He, Trevor, looked immediately apologetic. Good. Served him right. I swear the only thing keeping me awake was my adrenaline and my anger.

"I didn't choose to be a stripper, okay? It was chosen for me. So don't you dare -" I yelled, but he cut me off

"Sweetheart, I'm sorry, that came out wrong." he put his hands up in surrender, "I meant to say that I'm takin' you home - as in to our home. You look exhausted. And I need to keep you safe, which means no going to work. Okay?"

Maybe it was the exhaustion or maybe the drinks I had, but every time this handsome specimen of masculinity called me a term of endearment my heart fluttered just a bit. I felt like he was being sincere, and it had been a long ass time since I felt like that - especially about the opposite sex. The fact that he kept insisting on keeping me safe wasn't helping my resolve either.

Trevor saw my nod of agreement and we began slowly walking back towards the club, his hand placed gently on my lower back. I guess having a roof over my head to get some decent sleep would be acceptable. Plus I could plan my next move and be out of his hair soon.

"What did you mean before? About your job being chosen for you?" Trevor asked after a bit of walking in silence

The fight had been knocked out of me, and for some ungodly reason, I trusted this man. So I told him everything. My parents passing, how I met Craig - everything.

"A few months after I turned 18 Craig took my virginity and gave me the engagement ring. I guess looking back, even then, he never cared about me. It was always about his satisfaction. Not long after that, he told me that I'd start working at the strip club. He said it was a good way for me to earn money and contribute, and it would make him happy to see me dance. Like a naïve kid, I bought into it because I was in love with him and I wanted to make him happy. The verbal abuse had been there all along, even from day one, he would tell me that I needed to lose weight or that I was a stupid bitch that needed to learn my place. But I rationalized it all away as 'just the way our relationship was.' The physical stuff started after I started working at the club. It didn't matter if I didn't want to have sex that night or if I wasn't in the mood, if Craig wanted it I had to give it to him or he would take it by force.

The worst was the Backroom, though. I remember the first time - which was the worst time - like it just happened. Craig told me that tonight was going to be special. I knew what went on in that room, but I was convinced that he loved me and would never want to share me. If you couldn't guess, I was dead wrong. There were 4 other guys in the room when we got there, and they all but pounced on me when we entered the room. I kicked and screamed, but all they did was hold me down and inject me with a tranquilizer. All I could do was lie there while they did whatever they wanted. Later once we were home Craig showed me how unhappy he had been by my unwillingness to be shared with his fists and then held me facedown on the mattress and forced himself on me again. I was sore all over for weeks, and as soon as I was recovered enough Craig wanted me to perform again. So that time and every time after that I just lay there staring at the ceiling, waiting for it to be over." I realized that I was sniffling and that tears were sliding down my face but I continued to push through my story.

"Stripping in and of itself isn't too bad, the guys don't touch you and you dance around on a pole for a few numbers at a time. It's everything else that weighs on me so heavy, ya know? I didn't want this for myself, but by the time I opened my eyes, I was already in so deep that I couldn't see a way out. I always wanted to be a dancer - not a stripper, a ballerina actually - and I had been on the right path for that, but after my parents died I was lost and Craig happened to be the one who found me. Unlucky for me. We had a bad fight last night actually, he came home super drunk and threw me against the kitchen cabinets before passing out. Which is how I ended up here with Sergio." I said, "I'm sorry for dumping all of this on you, I'm sure you don't want to hear it. But thank you for listening anyway."

We were almost back to the club now and I could see everyone standing outside, including an irate Sergio and his fiancée Matt standing with the bouncer. We had just made it to the edge of the parking lot when Trevor spoke.

"I just want you to know that I think you are so incredibly brave. After everything you've been through, I can't even imagine how you keep going. I was in the Army for a while, so I get the PTSD of it all, and I want you to know that I see you and I'm here for you. I vow to you that you will always be safe, from here on out, as long as I have breath in my lungs." he said

I could tell by the look in his eyes that he meant every word. And despite myself, I fell for him a little more.

"Delilah!" Serge yelled racing over to me and ripping me away from Trevor, "Sweetie are you okay? What do you need? What can I do?"

I shook my head at my best friend, fighting tears yet again, "I'm okay, er, or I will be."

He and Matt listened while I explained in vague terms everything that had happened tonight and eluded to everything that had happened with Craig in the past few years. By the time I was done all three of them, Sergio, Matt, and Trevor all looked ready to kill someone. I managed to talk them down and assured Serge that I would be okay.

When he and Matt decided I was going home with them, Trevor put his foot down. After a brief argument, Sergio relented at my request but told me that he expected a daily update and that he would call the police if he didn't hear from me. I hugged him so tight after that, and I could see in his eyes that he was hurt I hadn't trusted him with all of this before now. I would have to ease his guilt another time though and promised him I would talk to him tomorrow. He and Trevor exchanged information, then he and Matt headed home.

Now, standing in front of Trevor's motorcycle, I was having second thoughts about going with him. I was completely insane! Who went home with a perfect stranger? He pulled out a helmet for me and strapped it on my head.

"Don't worry my sweet Lila, I'd never let anything happen to you." with that I got on the bike, unsure what the future held but hopeful for the first time in a long time. 

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