Chapter 2

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Trevor "Axe" Kozik

Damn it all to hell! Of course, as soon as I took my eyes off of her, she bolted. I didn't know anything about her, not even her name, but I already knew that this is my woman. The one I was going to protect and marry and have lots of babies with - as soon as she agreed of course. The second I laid eyes on her from across the crowded club, she became my number one priority in life - her safety above all else.

My blood was boiling when I saw she was here with a guy, but one of my crew told me it was a guy he knew from high school. That not only was he harmless but he was happily engaged to another guy he went to high school with. That eased my rage significantly - that is until big ugly showed up and smacked her around. Then my rage returned tenfold.

My buddies, all fellow patched members of the Devil's Saints MC like me, had been watching me watch her all night and when they saw what was going down they all stepped up to help me help her without even being asked. None of us could stand by and watch an innocent woman get hurt.

So we jumped into action. Now we had one unconscious, very intoxicated, biker from Killerz MC, and one very scared brunette with the most beautiful aquamarine eyes I had ever seen.

The part that gutted me was seeing the pain behind those gorgeous blue orbs, and it was something I vowed to heal, as soon as I tracked her down. Now it was early morning, still dark, and I was running down the street looking for her. She had abandoned her shoes back at the club and a bystander outside had pointed me in the direction she'd gone.

As I ran down the street I spotted the tail ends of her long hair turning into a wooded area on the side of the road. Without shoes, I was certain her feet would get all scratched up, which made me push harder.

"Hey! Wait! Stop! I won't hurt you!" I yelled

I could hear the rustling of undergrowth for a few minutes once I arrived at the spot she'd entered the woods, but then there was nothing but quiet. I pulled out my cell phone and turned on the flashlight. I could spot her footprints in the soft muddy areas but otherwise, I had no clue where she'd gone. That is until a branch landed on my head.

I looked up, shining the light up into the tree next to me, and there she was. She looked scared, and how she got so high up in the tree so quickly was beyond me.

"What are you doin' up there?" I called to her

"Leave me alone!" she yelled back

"Darlin' you've got to come down from there." I said, "Please."

She took a deep breath, "What do you want from me? Please, just go away. I'll be fine."

"Sorry babe, no can do. Your safety is my priority. Now can you come down from there on your own or do I need to call the fire department?" I asked

"No! Don't call the fire department." she snapped, "I'm not coming down. I don't know you! Are you a friend of Craig's?"

She looked so scared from what I could see of her - which was pretty much just her eyes. She was clinging to the large tree for dear life.

"I was going to wait until you were on solid ground to introduce myself, but you've given me no choice. The name's Trevor Kozik, but my buddies call me Axe." I told her, "I don't know anybody named Craig. Would you tell me your name?"

"Delilah." she said quietly, "Delilah Steger."

"Okay darlin', Delilah, that's great. Thank you. Now, would you please come down from there? I need to make sure you're okay." I pled

I watched every thought and emotion run through her eyes, then she made a decision. I watched her slowly, methodically, work her way down from the tree. She had to have been really strong and flexible to get up there the way she came down. When she was close enough to reach, I slowly grabbed her waist and gently lowered her to the ground. When she turned to face me, I saw her guard was up again - high.

"Uh, thanks," she mumbled

"Anytime darlin'." I smiled at her

She was even more beautiful up close; not overly tall, with long dark hair, stunning eyes, a smattering of freckles across her nose, and straight white teeth. But on top of that, I could tell she was scared and wary of me - and frankly, I couldn't blame her.

"I guess I'll get going." she said turning to head out towards the road, "I don't want to be late for work and give Craig another reason to be angry at me."

"Hold on just a minute," I said reaching for her arm, but stopping when she flinched away from me

"Look, you did your good deed for the day. I'm fine." she kept walking away from me

"Keeping you safe isn't some good deed, it's my goal in life now that we've met," I told her honestly

She snorts at me, "Yeah right. Everyone always has an ulterior motive - I'm sure you're no different. You just want in my pants."

"I only want to make sure you're happy and safe." And with me.

"I don't need your help. Thanks, but no thanks," she said, still marching down the road

I stepped in front of her to block her progress. I decided to change the subject and try to get her to talk to me.

"Where do you work? I can give you a ride." I said

She glared at me for a moment before answering, "The Treasure Trove."

I saw red. My woman works at a strip club!? Even worse, a strip club owned by Killerz MC. While there is nothing wrong with being a stripper, there are parts of her no one should ever see but me. The lizard part of my brain kicks into overdrive.

"You're not working there anymore. I'm takin' you home." I said

Devil's Saints MC: SaviorOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz