He glanced towards both the people sitting in front of him and he was ready to either mansplain, manipulate, murder or blackmail them to save Jangmi's life.

"I don't think this could be used as an evidence but we can surely use it as a lead and I think it's better to burn these with Jangmi's permission of course." Jeonghan was the first to speak.

"Great! Because I was about to  blackmail you to save Jangmi if you said something else." Wonwoo chuckled as he took in the profile of the crown prince fondly.

"It's cute I assume two people falling in love despite all odds and our Wonwoo wanting to protect them." Jeonghan playfully flicked Wonwoo's forehead.

"Now let's read all these letters, I guess it's already midnight." Wonwoo grabbed another letter and ignored the playful glances of the prince. He was glad the Crown prince had no prejudices and he desparately wished to find Nako against all odds.

Dear Jangmi...

I know things were very hard these past few days but I think we can finally leave this place together. I was offered a job along with Maehwa and Noori. It's 5000 silvers per season, we are asked to tell no one about it, according to the man all we have to do is clean, wash clothes and carry firewood in a huge residence near the border. I think I will ask the man if I can bring you. We can earn enough money with this work and live in a secluded happy place just like we always talked about. I will talk with the man and I will write you back about the details. I am so happy, you know it's a secret place for important guests, the man says we are no longer mere palace maids and we have to remain nameless after this. We are to be provided food and shelter and all we have to do is stay and serve in that place for a very long time but we can't contact anyone from our family. You are my family Jangmi, we can finally live together for a very long time. Please come with me Jangmi, I will wait for your response.

"Well, this was the last letter. I think for now we can look for this man, secret residence near the border and records about Nako,
Maehwa and Noori." Wonwoo surmised.

"For how long did this Nako disappear?" Seungcheol pondered.

"Since this summer. Her parents asked about her apparently but there were no records of her. Who deals with the appointment of maids and their records?"

"The Kims!" Both Jeonghan and Seungcheol exclaimed.

"I met Prince Iseul today at the tavern. He found someone from the enemy kingdom smuggling different types of poison a few days back. So, let me guess Kims are dealing with the export and import as well."

"Yes. Everything is pointing towards the Kims, but there is no evidence to prove it." Jeonghan sighed.

"Things can't be that simple."

"Yeah, I agree with Prince Wonwoo." Seungcheol admitted.

"Thanks Hyung."

"Aaaaahhh...why can you call Seungcheol
Hyung, but not me." The Crown prince whined as he kicked Wonwoo softly.

"Yes...yes erm... Jeonghan Hyung." Wonwoo chuckled as he took in the warm smiles of both the older guys.

With a new found motivation and lead, they went through past records to find information they might have missed.

The night melted into dawn. The three of them were sprawled across the floor with heaps of old records and scattered letters around them.

Falling Flower (A Meanie Fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ