Everyone is getting ready to leave for the Luné Argent, and it could not be more fantastical.

All the people in the room are simply bustling, words of pure enchantment and infatuation spilling from red, wine-stained lips, dilated pupils grinning and skin flushed with anticipation. The grandiose amount of chatter in the background distracts Louis from his thoughts, allowing him to purely reside in the moment and simply wait to see what happens.

Niall made it ever so abundant that everyone wear red and silver. Seemingly the signature colours of the Luné Argent- as all lights eclipsing the building falter to be any other colour in the world. Silver. Red. Silver and red. It's quite the combination, Louis must admit, as Niall thrusts a glittery coat into his chest, desperately insisting that he wear it.

"The red glitter is just perfect with your wonderfully tan skin, Louis! I'll die if you don't wear it!"

"A bit extreme, don't you think?"  Louis looks the jacket up and down. It's honestly not awful. Quite pretentious and whimsical, yes, but not quite awful. It's long, contains tail flaps and overly elaborate buttons carved in patterns of the renaissance. It has a quite elegantly structured collar with complementary lapels and the red shimmer is subtle enough to not be obnoxious. 

"No such thing as extreme here, Louis!" Niall grins. "Now put on your pretty coat and put some sequins on those cheekbones, we're going to the Luné Argent!" He runs off excitedly before another word can be shared. Louis is somewhat stunned.

Additionally, he can't fully process whether Niall just told him to put glitter on his face before one of the girls surrounding him is delicately placing rhinestones at the peak of his cheekbones and along his collarbones.

"It's always best to shimmer." She whispers to him sweetly, placing a last silver gem at the edge of his collar.

"You look beautiful." She smiles at him, laced in rosé and flower petals, before walking off, arms linked with one of her girl friends. 

Louis takes one last glance in the mirror.

She isn't wrong.


"You look like a diamond." Niall throws his arm around Louis' shoulders and tugs him into his side as they step outside into the smoothly cold air of the night. The moon is high in the sky, casting her iridescent glow upon Louis' skin.

"Thanks, I know." He mockingly grins at Niall and looks up at the stars. What night are they about to have?

Niall laughs, pure joy escaping from him and he's just an aura of optimism. "Now, when we get in there it's gonna be absolute chaos, Louis. Cha-os."

"Chaos. Got it."

"No like, people in the Luné Argent are a different breed Louis, they go absolutely insane as soon as they step through the doors," Hyperbole coats his voice and he grips Louis closer, "Trust me, I know. Liam is one of them."

Niall nods towards the stoic-faced statue of a man. Louis finds that hard to believe considering his behaviour two nights ago. But who knows, this place is full of surprises.

"So," Niall continues, "When we get in there we gotta stick close. Usually we split up and go bonkers but I want you beside me tonight, Louis, cause who knows what will happen to a newbie in that place."

Louis frowns in questioning, not sure how to take that sentence. Should he be worried right now?

"What do you mean? I think I'll live."

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