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Akane was sitting next to Noah, while Nami sat in front of them, as if awaiting for her verdict from her parents. Her eyes were downcast. However, a glimmer of hope was there.

She was wearing a white t shirt along with jeans. Her breasts, due to her tight t shirt were a feast for eyes, as Noah glanced at her but only for a second, so to not make her excited or himself.

Noah then looked at Akane. Who was wearing her usual loose hoodie along with shorts.

He looked into her eyes and she gazed back.

" What was that?" Noah asked. His voice was firm and Akane can understand, that he was not going to be satisfied with the answer, she gave yesterday.

" I-its my fault Noah! " Interrupting their heated gazes, Nami spoke in an apologetic voice.

" And what might that fault be ?" Noah asked, raising his eyebrows. While looking at Nami, as if he was scrutinizing her.

" I- i asked Akane to let me bear your child. " Nami shouted, blurting out what was in her mind. Leaving Noah baffled.

" Pfttt!!" Noah immediately spit out the coffee, he was drinking. 

" Cough! Cough! What the fuck!?" Noah shouted, while coughing. He expected everything but that for an answer. It didn't made sense to him, why Nami would say that.

"Nami, you don't know how to explain things. Let me explain. " Akane said to Nami's defense. Which was a shock to Noah. But was a welcomed one nonetheless. Because he has already fucked Nami. And there was no going back now. If he was going to have them together, it's better if they are on good terms with each other.

'and even if they are not, I will make them come to an agreement.' Noah thought, before looking back at Akane for an explanation.

"I knew Nami likes you. " Akane paused for a moment and glanced at Nami, before continuing "but she said, she won't say anything to you. She was fine with just being friend and didn't wanted to ruin your guy's friendship, by confessing her feelings.. "

" And ?" Noah's asked.

" Noah, you know how much i love you right ?" While saying that, Akane moved towards Noah, an leaned her body onto him, gazing right into his sapphire blue eyes, that reflected her visage inside it.

She continued with a blush on her face "However, as much as i love you. I won't be able to bear your child. No matter what, and for that. i thought Nami was the right person. She is someone, who not only loves you but also cares about you. So, i thought it would be fine.. and she agreed to it herself, so it's fine. Right ?" Akane looked at Nami, for confirmation. Nami nodded her head in a very enthusiastic manner.

" I'm fine with it!"

Noah looked at Nami's determined expression, he could feel it in her voice. She was afraid of not being accepted by him. Although, she was able to sleep with Noah yesterday. it was all thanks to the mood. That's what Nami thought, because she never heard Noah's response. Even if he liked her slightly, would he be really willing to spend his life with her. Thats what was going in her mind.

"Nami, before you say you love me. You should understand that if are you going to become mine, then you won't be able to leave me ever again.. I'm a very selfish person." Noah said, sending shivers down Nami's spine, in a good way obviously. When Noah mentioned becoming his, Nami felt her heart beating faster to the point, where she felt it would stop.

A blush was present on her face, as she said while breathing hard.

"Please make me yours! I don't want to leave you too!" Nami said, in a loud voice that echoed in the entire room. Even though it can be said that, she would never be his first, but if Noah can love her even a bit, then she wouldn't ever regret being with him.

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