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Eren's POV

I hate horror movies.

Don't get me wrong, I'm usually pretty calm when people talk about the paranormal or whatever. I don't have any fears of creepy dolls or the the dark. In fact, I love the dark. It's so much easier to forget about reality as you stare into nothingness, it relaxes me.

However, if I watch a horror movie I end up in the most paranoid mindset for weeks. Every unexpected sound, sight or event practically gives me a heart attack. So, obviously, I try to stay away from such movies to avoid this. Sometimes, though, my friends manage to force me to watch them.

This was one of those times.

I sat with my legs tucked up to my chest on a cinema chair, cowering away from the big screen at the front. Jean told me we were all going to see "Into the Woods". With hindsight, I should've known he was lying; Jean hates musicals. Instead, I had to sit through two hours of "Annabelle"

I removed my hands from my face to look up at the screen, relieved to see the credits. I shot up out of my seat and dragged Jean out of the building, thankful that the sky was clear as the shining stars helped me calm down. I stared up at the sky as we waited for the rest of our friends, still holding tightly onto Jean's hand.

I took out my phone, sighing as I looked at the time. It was just past ten at night, and I couldn't wait to get back to the safety of my dorm and get to sleep. When the rest of the guys (Marco, Connie, Berthold and Reiner) finally exited the building, we all piled up into Jean's car.

"Yo, Eren. You alright? I think I heard you crying during the film; or maybe it was just the sound of your masculinity leaving you"

I rolled my eyes in response, "fuck off, Connie. I don't think that even made any sense."

"Whatever, Jaeger. Hey, Jean! You should take us to the graveyard down past the school, we could do a ouija board!"

Jean chuckled softly, "sure. If that's what you guys want to do." He leaned slightly closer to me, with a smirk spread across his face, and lowered his voice. "I can drop you off at the dorms if you want."

"Just keep driving, horse face."


I sighed, "this is fucking stupid." Reiner had all of us sitting in a circle on an empty patch of grass near the center of the graveyard. In the middle was a bit of wood (Connie found it next to a dumpster) with a ouija board design drawn on with sharpie. Our phones were placed around the board so we could use them as a light source.

"Shut up, Eren," Connie groaned. He was staring at the small tape role, that was being used in place of a planchette, which each of us has rested a finger on. I don't really believe in spirits and such, and I'm pretty sure that the ouija board is complete bullshit. However, since we had just watched a horror movie and it was getting quite late, paranoia seemed to set in as every time a bird flew over or someone shuffled in their position my heard missed a beat.

Reiner rolled his eyes, "Both of you shut up. Marco, you wanna start?"

"Eh- sure. Ehm... I- is anybody there?"

We all stared at the board, silently waiting for something to happen. As expected, the tape roll remained in its place. It was a sort of relief, really, I just wanted to go home.

After a minute, Reiner decided to repeat the question. We waited, and I was just about to suggest leaving when the 'planchette' started to move. It slowly made it's way over to the word 'yes', and I quickly moved my free hand to latch onto Jean's.

The group fell silent as we waited for someone to say something. Marco was the first to speak up, and simply asked "what is your name?" The tape roll moved, a little quicker this time, over to the word 'no.' We sat for a moment, confused, before it began to move again.


I leaned closer to Jean and squeezed his hand tighter, and I'm honest enough to admit that I was fucking scared out of my mind Jesus Christ.


I buried my face into Jean's neck. I don't like this, I don't like this, I don't like this.

Cold air blew against my neck, and a voice whispered "I'll kill you"

I screamed, loud, and practically tackled Jean to the ground. My face was buried into his chest, I only looked up when the group broke into laughter. I slowly crawled off of Jean to see Connie literally rolling around on the floor laughing. Reiner had his hand on Berthold's shoulder, using him so he could keep his balance.

"Oh my God, Eren! That was hilarious! You were all like,, "Oh no, I'm gonna get possessed or some shit" haha!" Connie screeched, trying to regain his breath as he did.

"You guys are all assholes," I muttered and folded my arms.

Jean placed an arm around my shoulders and grinned. "Sorry, babe. You're just so adorable when you get scared."

I huffed, "idiot. Can we just get back to the dorms?"

"Not a chance." I looked up at Reiner, who was stood grinning down at the rest of us.

"Fine then. What do you want to do?"

"We could go to a club" Marco suggested. I shared a nervous glance with Jean; Marco can get really... Intense when he's drunk. But, since Jean was the only one with a car, I had no other way of getting back to the dorms. Well, I could catch a bus but the next one wouldn't be for at least an hour.

"Alright" Jean said, standing and pulling me up with him. "Everyone back in the car, then."


Turns out I hate drunk people too. Of course if I'm drunk myself then I don't notice how stupid everyone acts. When you're drunk, you don't care about the stench of the room you're in - an odd mixture of sweat and vodka. You don't notice how stuffy the room is as you're surrounded by strangers who know nothing about personal space.

However, I am not drunk. So I do notice the stench, and I do freak out about the lack of space there is. All of my friends are drunk, except for Jean seeing as he's the one driving. I'm not exactly sure where he is, though. I think he was trying to calm down Marco or something, but I sort of lost them in the crowded room.

Reiner and Berthold are God knows where, probably making out in a corner somewhere. Or fucking. Probably the latter.

Feeling uncomfortable, I weaved through the mass of people until I reached one of the exit doors. I took in a deep breath as I stepped outside, which wasn't as pleasant as I had hoped as the air had a mild smell of tobacco to it. Still, it was nice to be outside where it was reasonably quiet.

I rested against the wall and took out my phone, quickly finding Jean in my contacts and sending him s text.

Me: Where are you?
Jean: in the guys toilets. Marco is vomiting and crying a lot. Where r u?
Me: Outside in the back. Why is he crying?
Jean: he's drunk. He always cries when he's drunk. I don't think he even remembers the next day.
Me: Good point, can you meet me outside? We should probably take Marco back anyway.
Jean: sure, c u in 5

God I can't wait to get home, it's bloody freezing out here. Not to mention the fact that I'm exhausted; How anyone can be dancing at this time is beyond me. Sighing, I opened up Candy Crush and started to play it as I waited for Jean. I can't get past level 140, and it's really starting to annoy me.

My phone buzzed, and I opened up my messages expecting it to be Jean. I bit my lip as I saw that it was from the unknown sender that had messaged me a few weeks ago. I hadn't hear from them since then, and had managed to just forget about them. I opened up the message, feeling my heart rate increase as I did. Sweat started to form on my forehead and I started to panic.

Unknown: look to your right

Eren x Jean - College YearsWhere stories live. Discover now