10. Everything is alright now, right?

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I woke up to a knock. Is Enola already here!? I put quickly a dress on and run to open the door.

"Hi!" Enola said.

"Hello and sorry this place is a mess. I just woke up"

She just smiled at me and walked inside. I showed her her room. It was empty except a bed in middle.

"We have to go shopping today"

"Yes we do" I laughed.

I showed her the rest of the house. I was still missing some furnitures like good sofa and chairs.

I took breakfast from the fridge and sat on the table.

"Have you eaten anything?" I asked mouth full of food.

"Yeah I have"

I nodded and continued to eat. After I ate I dressed up and took my keys and money. I hope this time I don't get robbed.

We walked out to the street. It was nice weather. The wind didn't blow and it was warm but not too warm.

"So where are we going firs" I asked hoping that Enola would know.

Thankfully she knew a nice furniture shop near our apartment. We walked there about 5 minutes.

The shop was nice. It had a comfortable feeling. That little bell rang as we walked in. We walked around the shop. It wasn't big but not small either. I found myself in a chair section. All the lovely chairs. I found tree chairs ths would match my apartment. They weren't even that expensive. Enola had found herself a night table and a chest for her clothes.
We bought the furnitures and got a carriage to carry our items.

We got our items from the carriage and stopped in front of the stairs.

"How are we going to get these up?" I cried for my back already.

"Yeah. I didn't think about this" Enola said.

We just stared those stairs and our items.

"Do you need help?" A familiar voice came from behind us.

It was Sherlock.

"Sherlock! Yes we do need help" Enola said.

He picked up the chest and started carrying it.

"Third floor" I yelled at him.

A big sigh escape from his mouth. I took couple chairs and Enola took the last chair. It was hard to get those up. As I put the chairs down. Sherlock was already ready to get last items.
When he arrived with the night table Enola was already inside putting her chest where she wanted it.

"Thank you so much Sherlock" I said.

"No proplem"

"What are you doing even here?" I asked. He was probably just walking by but still.

"I was going home"

"You live here?"

"Well yes. I live under you"

Sherlock has lived under me this whole time! That would explain why I smelled his colone once there. Butterflies in my stomach started to grow abd the knots tighten.

"I have to go now" he said.

"Okay and thank you again" I smiled at him. I lifted the night table inside an closed the door.


Enola and I were walking the streets of London. Enola stopped in front of a gate. I looked inside and see Tewks with his family. Thankfully he was okay.

He saw us and walked to the gate.

"Congratulations you finally look like the nincompoop you were born to be" Enola said to him.

I chuckled a bit.

"No you look good. This is.. good" she stumbled a little bit in her words.

I wiggled my eyebrows at her. She just gave me the look that looked like she will kill me if I continue.

"The vote is in an hour. It's umm.. it's quite a thing"

"We're not supposed to bow or anything, are we? Now that you are whatever you are? She said.

Yeah, she has a point. I haven't thought about that.

"Well arguably you always had to bow you... Just choose not to" he said and chuckled a bit.

"So.. are you safe? Are you comfortable, your not living in that terrible lodging house are you?" Tewks said.

He really cared for her. Aww.

"No Y/n offered me to live with her so that's what I did" Enola told.

"Well my mother said that theres always room for you and Y/n"

"Well your mother hasn't spend enough time with me" Enola chuckled.

"Well what is it was I who asked you to stay" Tewks said with not that happy voice.

Enola went quiet for a while.

"A kind offer.. but one I must refuse" she said sadly.

The sadness in Tewks eyes was terrible. Came an awkward silence. I started looking around I heard them talk a bit more and when I turned I sad Tewks kissing Enolas hand. YAS! I have waited for this. Enola started to walk away smiling.

"Well good luck Tewkesbury" I said.

We walked away. I decided to go home but Enola had something to do.

As I arrived at my apartments door. In front of it was standing a woman. Someone I recognised but not sure where.

It clicked!

She is Enolas mother. She had disappeared.

"Are you Y/n y/l/n??" She asked.

"Mm yes, yes I am"

"Can I come in? I heard Enola lived here and wanted to meet her"

Weird how does she know where I live and that Enola lives with me. But I still let her in to my apartment. I showed her Enolas room and she stayed there untill Enola came back.


When Enola came back I told her she had a visitor.

"Enola you have a visitor!"

"A visitor? Who?" She was confused.

"Go look in to your room she is suppose to be there!" I told her.

When she opened her rooms door I could hear a gasp. I didn't want to eavesdrop so I went in to my own room. I took one of my books and started reading it.

I hear the door open and close. Her mother must have left. I looked at the clock. It was pretty late. I put the book away and closed my eyes. It felt like everything was alright and okay.

Except my feeling. Feelings towards someone that I don't even really know....Sherlock.


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