14. Drunk Sherlock

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Enola opened the letter. It was a poem.

"As we two ate of the fruit of love.." Enola read.

"Fruit of love, ugh" I rolled my eyes.

"A bell did ring in the sky above.." Enola continued.

"So wander that place with its blossoms white, a chapel awaits us out of sight"

"And a poppy" Enola finished.

"Is that his name?" I asked.

We continued to walk. Enola in her thoughts. Questions ran through my head. Why did she leave? And did she ran away with this fellow? Or is she running form him..?

"I hope it's the latter, his poetry is extremely bad" Enola said randomly.

"What?" I looked at her confused.

"I didn't mean to say taht out loud" she laughed bit.

"Oh" I smiled.

We walked in the streets. It was already dark and mist was covering the air. As we walked, we heard a clanging sound. I thought nothing of it but It followed us, so I started to get bit suspicious.

Enola looked back. We kept walking. It was still behind us. I looked back, nothing.

Enola turned around hands in fists. She was ready to fight. I wasn't. I'm not the best fighter but I swing my arms and try to hit something when fighting.

There was nobody. We looked at eachother. We both were scared. We started to run away in to the area that had more people. There we couldn't be killed, right?

There wasn't many people but still it felt crowded. Cabs went back and forth and peoples yells came from the pub.

We stopped fast so we wouldn't walk over a man who was kicked out of the pub right in front of us.

"Be away with you, boy!"

"All right" the man grunts. He tries to stand up. It looked stupid. I tried to hold in my laughter. Enola looked surprised.

"Sherlock?" Enola asked.

"Enola...... And.... Y/n" Sherlock said.

"What are you doing here? it's not safe" he continued.

He really cares for his sister.

"There are scary people about", he said.

"Yes, let us know when you meet one." Enola said.

Sherlock sights and picks up his cane.

"Brother, are you quite yourself?" Enola asked.

"I'm fine" he answered.

"It was just a disagreement over a glass of wine and whose was it" he told.

Okayyyh, yeah, sure.

"And.. uh.. I find after wine, it's very difficult to make your arms and legs move" he told to Enola who had walked over to him.

I don't know lot about wine but I don't think what Sherlock drank was wine.

He lifted his arm and nearly fell but Enola caught him before that.

"Lets get you home" she said.

I went Sherlocks other side and helped Enola to carry him. He was big and heavy. I felt funny.

"I don't usually imbibe but I'm on a case, you see"

"It has proven rather tricky" he said.

"Cab!! Enola yelled.

||Don't Be Ridiculous|| (H.C) Sherlock Holmes X FemYnजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें