2. London

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I arrive at the train station, ready to go london. I climb in to the train and start walking trough the train trying to find an empty seat. I finally find one at the end of the train. I sit at the seat and pick up the news paper on the ground.

I flip trough the pages. My eyes catch one article. It says about two boys jumping out of a train this morning? This paper is really new.

I put the paper aside and close my eyes. I wasn't sleepy but wanted the trip to be over faster. I fell asleep.

I wake up. Where am I. Ohh on the train, going to london. I moved to London last week. My apartment was a mess and I had to buy new furniture.

I didn't have a job. I lived with my parents money that I had gotten when they died. They both got in to an argument and my dad killed my mom. My dad died in a hospital couple days later. It was a lot to take so I moved out.

The train stops. I look out the window and see the London. I get up an walk out of the train. There were lot of people. Maybe one of them could be Enola.

It was already evening. I was walking to my apartment. I lived in 221c Baker street. London streets were scary in the evening. I was very alert about everything.

I had spend most of time in the park. I just wached everything and everyone. I arrived at my apartment building I walked up the stairs and opend my door. My apartment was nearly empy but still a mess. I fall in to my bed. Where could she possibly be? I dont know. I was a bit hungry. I ate a piece of cake in the park but that was like 3 hours ago.

But I was just so tired of thinking that i didn't bother to eat anything. I just layed on my bed. This is ridiculous. With that tought i fell asleep.

//AN// Sorry for a bit boring chapter. This was mostly a filler but I promise the next chapter will be a lot more interensing I think! :)

||Don't Be Ridiculous|| (H.C) Sherlock Holmes X FemYnحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن