Artemis remained silent. She didn't think that stealing a porch swing from someone was fun.

"What did you read in the journal?" Regan asked her suddenly.

Artemis watched Regan's strange eyes before responding.

"I know there was a war here" she said. "The Alpha's. They were the bad guys"

"Yeah, real pieces of scum" Regan said.

Artemis had never heard her speak like that. Regan spoke of these Alpha's as if she had tasted the dirt on her hands and on her face in her mouth.

"He said you were a witch, that you were trying to get him to believe in magic" Artemis continued.

Regan's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Didn't think he'd write about that. He sort of came around to the idea in the end but not really. I assume you're the same as him"

"I know magic is real" Artemis said. "I've a friend who dubs in magic, but I believe in science too"

Regan looked out towards the cattle in the next field. "Fair enough" she said. "I won't tell you what's right or what's wrong. Believe what ya want. Whatever floats your boat"

"So" Artemis said, the excitement and the nervousness of finally getting her questions answered were bubbling up inside her. She hadn't been able to feel anything like it in months. "What happened here? Why did you come looking for help?"

"Do you remember the girl from earlier? Terry?" Regan asked.

"Yeah" Artemis said, a little miffed that her question had been answered with another question.

"She sent me. She knows Nightwing. She sent me to America to find him. We were fighting a loosing battle. We needed reinforcements. We needed someone with proper training to help train soldiers that couldn't fight. Apparently he suited the bill because Terry was really after him. She wanted Batman I think at first but he was away at something. I don't really know those full details. I was just a messenger"

"But instead you got Wally because Dick couldn't go" Artemis said as she kept her eyes on Regan.

Regan looked at Artemis with a raised eyebrow.

"Aren't ye superheroes meant to keep your identities a secret?" She asked her.

"I'm retired" she said. "Besides if Dick trusts your people enough to let Wally come here then you must be trust worthy"

Regan shrugged before looking back out towards the cattle. "Fair point" she said again.

"What did Wally do when he was here?" Artemis asked following Regan's gaze.

"He did a lot of things" Regan said. "He was meant to have come to train other soldiers to fight like him but that was kinda a bust. We were expecting Wally to be like this Nightwing fella. Or at least Terry was. She was kind of disappointed at the start. She needed someone who could give orders and look death in the eye and not feel fear. She needed a leader. Wally wasn't what she wanted so she was pissed. But then Wally started to pull his weight. There was an attack on a nearby base by the Alpha's, Wally managed to save everyone. That's when she realized there was more to him. So he then got put into special training with me and a few others"

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